(Update on the bottom!) So my best friend’s boyfriend is currently on deployment and she’s been going through it lately. She’s been picking at my boyfriend for about a month now and she told me she “can’t stop thinking about him” and wants a threesome cause sometimes I like to say how good my boyfriend is in bed.

I don’t mind threesomes since I’ve done them before, but I am VERY possessive over my boyfriend. It’s been a fantasy of his but I’ve always immediately said no. After maturing/gaining trust in each other it’s been something I’m a little open to now. But now that it’s actually happening I feel a little annoyed with it already.

What annoys me is my boyfriend’s and best friend’s logic for this. My boyfriend said I can’t have a MMF threesome cause he’d get very jealous and doesn’t want me to have pleasure from another man. fair enough. He told me it’s never going to happen. He said I should enjoy a FFM threesome cause I’m bisexual. Yes, I am bisexual, but that literally has nothing to do with anything. Most girls who have threesomes aren’t bisexual and just put on a show for the dude.

My best friend said if her boyfriend asked her for a threesome she’d feel insecure and self conscious. And she wouldn’t want to see him with another woman unless he really wanted it. Which is exactly how I feel about this situation.

I think I’m just agreeing to this because I’m a people pleaser. They planned it for tomorrow but I really don’t wanna go through with it anymore. If my boyfriend doesn’t wanna see me with anyone else why is it an issue when I say the same? I feel like I’m going to get very pissed off if this happens. I don’t know why she can’t just get a man off of Tinder or something instead of my boyfriend.

I need advice please

Edit: Just to clear things up, this wasn’t my boyfriend’s idea this was my friend’s. He doesn’t show much interest in her but I can’t say the same vice versa 🥲

Second Edit: I appreciate all the replies I’ve gotten on this. I trust my boyfriend since he’s very honest with me and I’ve fantasized about having a threesome as well because I would love to spoil him. I just don’t want it with her. But finding a second girl is pretty hard honestly, but that doesn’t mean I should settle. I don’t want anything between us and I’m going to talk to him in person about it tonight. I’ll update y’all again later (mini edit): And yes he is a marine, sadly a Jody in the making

Third and last update: I finally stood my ground and refused it. My boyfriend was very very supportive and very comforting about it. As for my friend; I will keep an arms distance when I’m with my boyfriend. My boyfriend says I matter more than just a fantasy, and he’d rather keep me ❤️ I’m so proud of myself for standing my ground, it’s something I haven’t done before. I appreciate all the advice here since it helped motivate me realize this is a shit idea. Happy ending to the story. Maybe not for her boyfriend but at least for me and my boo 🙂

  1. “I really don’t wanna go through with it anymore” – end of discussion

    Everyone needs to respect each other’s boundaries

  2. Just gonna address the elephant in the room and say your need a better best friend. “I can’t stop thinking about your boyfriend.” That doesn’t occur just because her boyfriend is deployed, that is very strange and seems like is crossing a boundary in your friendship, with lack of regard for your feelings.

    Also, your feelings are valid. If you don’t want to go through with this as you’ve expressed it makes you uncomfortable, don’t do it. It will only cause issues on down the line and potentially be a mental hurdle that is hard to overcome.

  3. Massive side eye to the pair of them. I’d have dropped my bestie for even suggesting it. Plenty of dick in the world but she wants to sleep with your boyfriend?

    If you’re gonna do it you do it with someone unattached. Instead you guys are gonna complicate your relationship with your bf (who seems to be the threesome dictator – not on), your friendship with your friend (who you now know has the audacity to chase your bf in front of you – lord knows what she’s like when you aren’t involved a.k.a over text/apps with him) and your friends deployed bf who apparantly none of you give a shit about.

    I’d walk away from the pair of them, then grow a backbone before my next relationship so I’d never find myself in this situation again – the situation of saying yes when I really mean no.

  4. As a veteran of many threesomes – run away.

    Number one, it’s usually a bad idea to mix friends and sex in threesomes. Things get awkward, feelings get hurt.

    But she clearly has an agenda, and it sounds like your BF has one, too.


  5. Sorry, are you saying that you are considering helping your best friend cheat on her boyfriend in a threesome? And her boyfriend is a veteran currently deployed?

    If that’s true (Im skeptical), this is typically how an article about a murder-suicide starts. So if that’s the road you’re hoping to travel down, you’re off to a great start.

  6. – you don’t want to
    – your Bestie wants your bf way to much
    – your besties bf probably doesnt know about it
    – you bf doesnt allow a MFM but wants his FMF
    – no boundaries discussed

    Hell yea. Sounds like i good plan. Can’t wait for the follow up

  7. Looks suspicious to me. It’s like your friend tries to sneak in and show her “qualities” to your boyfriend this way without openly cheating. Maybe she hopes to steal him away without openly wage war against you, not untill the harvest is secure.

    OK, now to your boyfriend. He shows his boundaries: not getting pleasure from another man. This looks fair, everyone got the right to have boundaries, but it’s pretty sexist to me that you can have pleasure from another woman. We are all human beings, aren’t we? It’s like another woman, can’t be a threat, that’s extra naive since you are bisexual. So don’t do it, because it may trigger something in him he didn’t anticipate.

    Now to you. Your boyfriend showed his boundaries, why shouldn’t you? You say you don’t want to see your boyfriend with another woman, so why don’t state that clearly?

    Don’t be the “nice girl”, the people pleaser. Because when you please everyone around you, you forget about the most important person in the world for you: yourself. It will backfire, it will grow like a cancer, especially if your boyfriends gets jealous seeing you doing sexual things with another woman, especially if your “friend” tries to steal your boyfriend away. You will feel violated and deep inside you will be angry at them and to yourself you allowed it, even you didn’t wanted it all.

  8. If you need advice from the internet, you’re not 100% for it and therefore should *not* do this.

    Secondly, your boyfriend needs to realize if he doesn’t want a MMF, he shouldn’t expect a MFF.

  9. My best friend would stab me, skin me alive while I bled out, chop me into little pieces, and feed me to pigs if I told her I “couldn’t stop thinking about her boyfriend” and asked for a threesome. What the fuck.

  10. So you’re thinking about helping your best friend cheat on her deployed boyfriend. COOL.


    hahahah No. This has bad news written all over it.

  11. So what does your best friend’s boyfriend that’s on deployment have to say about this? Is he cool with it?

  12. Your boyfriend and friend just want to fuck and are looking for a way to make it “ok”.

  13. They spoke about it behind your back and or have already fucked. Just stating the obvious. Also your best friend who wants to cheat on her bf is a scumbag pos

  14. This is a shit show waiting to happen.
    That woman is not your friend
    Tell your boyfriend no and if he reacts negatively, dump him.
    If you go through with this they’re going to start having sex without you.

  15. The whole thing sounds off to me. If your boyfriend doesn’t care, then dont do it. It sounds like your friend wants the threesome, not you or your boyfriend.

    Also, what kind of friend suggests a threesome to be part of to someone in a relationship lol? Your friend just wants to fuck your bf because she has a huge crush on him. It should be the other way around here. You and your bf asking *her* if she wants one.

  16. If my best friend told me they couldn’t stop thinking about my boyfriend and proposed a 3some….. I would be insanely pissed. And not friends with that person anymore. Wtf.

  17. If this isn’t satire…drop that friend. She’s giving you the biggest hints that she will try to cheat on her partner with him 🥲

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