Women: when a guy tells you he’s a brony, what goes through your mind?

  1. A brony, as in a My Little Pony fan? As in an adult man who’s a fan and probably sexualizes a horse cartoon made for small children?

    Gross and creepy, to say the least.

  2. It depends on the context. If I asked him if there are any shows he enjoys? Fine, whatever.

    If we’re just making smalltalk and he drops that in there? Kinda weird.

  3. I mean… I’m not about to yuck anyone’s yum, but for me personally… that’s a no. But you do you. As long as you’re not harming anyone, all power to you.

  4. “Oh cool! Wait, I hope he’s not one of the creepy ones.”

    I knew lots of people in college who were bronies/pegasisters and weren’t weird about it. There’s nothing wrong with liking cartoons! MLP: FIM was a genuinely fantastic show, more people should watch it. 🙂

  5. It entirely depends on why he is imparting this info. Are we a friend talking about kinks? Ok. I’ve been told weirder stuff.

    Is he just offering this info out of the blue? Abort abort abort

  6. I work with dolls. Probably half of the collectors are men. Better than half of doll designers are men. If a man tells me he’s a Brony, it’s really no thing.

  7. I immediately start plotting my exit. Out of the conversation, the room, the building, that relationship, all of it. Like Homer backing into the bushes.

  8. When I hear Brony, I think of one of my wife’s favorite nicknames for me, Jabroni… she says that to make fun of me so yeah, do with that what you will

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