I’ve seen over and over again that people who don’t struggle with social anxiety have a significantly easier time in their career as they have more self esteem and thus are more likely to get promoted even if they are less skilled than others. So I think anxiety is a big challenge for a lot of us if we want to grow professionally even if not a lot of people talk about it as it is a very sensitive topic in our society.

  1. Social anxiety can make it challenging to establish new friends, network, and develop business connections. I think this is the problem for most people.

  2. Isn’t it amazing how much time we spend in school, and they never cover this critically important topic?

  3. It makes it so I am pretty much unable to work a social job such as retail or even an office job where I may have to talk to coworkers

    Instead, I just have a warehouse job. It’s boring as shit, but it’s all I’m able to do

  4. it feels as if everyone would take advantage of my passivity and give me the grunt work. My other option is to be something i am not; a sociable and disarming coworker. When you work you have to bring out the best in others. Meaning you must set a bar to that seems achievable. If you try not to take up space, they will treat you like you’re not there. Those feelings of inadequecy are meant to inspire you, light a fire of ambition untrumpable by the efforts of anyone. Once that happens, you’ve got your feet up on the desk waiting for someone to ask what they can do for you.

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