I met this guy about a few weeks ago while he was working in the city. He was trying to sell me a new phone plan, however, I didn’t need one. We continued talking after his initial sale didn’t go anywhere and he gave me his number. I wasn’t going to text him back at first, but I decided it couldn’t hurt. At first things seemed to go okay. He seems to really focus on my looks and says we’ll make an excellent couple especially since he’s fair skin and I’m brown skin. He’s also joked about getting married and wanting to have a child (because the child would be good-looking). I raised my eyebrows but continued talking to him. The next time I saw him in person was last week Saturday, while I was running some errands with my roommate. He invited my roommate and I to some coffee after we finished. The conversation went well and he complimented me a few times. Then, his break was over and my roommate and I went home. On my way home, we talked about seeing each other for an official date he originally said the following Saturday and I asked him why not Sunday (the next day). He said he was fine with that and we made plans to see each other the next day at 1pm. While I was home that night, my roommate and I were sitting on the balcony listening to music and having a good old time. I was still texting him and he sent me a picture after work, he was drinking at a local bar with some friends. Then after a couple hours he didn’t text me back until the next day. Before he stopped texting me we were having a conversation about me possibly sleeping over his house soon and I told him no that I’m very traditional. He asked me what I meant and I told him that I don’t sleep over a man’s house unless I’m in a relationship with that man. Next day comes and he texts me a song. I didn’t respond to his text because I got caught up doing things around the house and getting ready (a my Bad on my part for not confirming before I left). So, I texted him after I left saying that I’m on my way. I got no response, when I get to the city I called him on WhatsApp because that is what I use over here and it says call declined. Next thing you know he sent me a text saying “ I don’t think I’ll be able to make it, sorry.” That’s all he said. I told him I completely understand and I explained to him that I was frustrated because now I have to wait in the city for an hour for the next bus to come because the bus comes in and out of the city at a specific time frame. He also knew this because we talked about it the day before. So I left my community at 12 pm and the bus arrived at the city at 12:40 pm and the bus back to my community didn’t leave until 2 pm. So I basically expressed to him how I felt like my time was wasted and there was miscommunication. I didn’t text him back at all and he didn’t send a message until the next day apologizing for what happened. He expressed how bad he felt, that he shouldn’t have done that, and he explained that he got seriously drunk the night before but that isn’t an excuse and that he was super sorry. I accepted his apology but I told him that I am a woman of actions not words. So, I was going to observe his actions and let his actions speak for him. We then talk on the phone for a little bit, resolved everything and this was later in the day, so he was on his way home from work. When he got home I heard the voice of a young boy and he told me that he had to hang up but he will call me back. He never called me back that night after he said he was going to. The next day he explained to me that his son’s mother dropped his son off for week. Ever since then he’s just very persistent on hanging out especially me hanging out at his place or his mother’s house (when she’s not home). His reason is he wants to hang out, cook for me, spend time together and potentially have me sleep over without anything sexual happening. I just get the vibe that he really wants me to go over to his house to initiate something intimate, which is something I’m not ready for because we just started getting to know one another. We’re not in a relationship together, and that is a boundary that I am not willing to cross. I’m sorry for the long story but if anyone has any questions or any comments that could help clear the story up a little bit more I am willing to edit it. I really appreciate being able to vent or get possibly get advice.

Thank you

* just a side Note: I live in a different country and my only transportation is public transportation. I live a little further away from the city so the bus has specific time frames in and out of my community.

  1. >He was trying to sell me a new phone plan, however, I didn’t need one. We continued talking after his initial sale didn’t go anywhere and he gave me his number.


    No, girl. Just say no

  2. Yeah that’s way too much, too soon with regards to him asking for sleepovers. He is pushy and that hot-cold dynamic is an attempt to reel you in. Trust your intuition!

  3. Block him. He’s not someone you should spend any more time on. You met in an unconventional way. Trust your gut, this guy is not for you.

  4. From your description he comes across as a bit unreliable and calculative. Hardly a romantically mature person. Good on you for standing by your principles and what makes you feel alright, keep on doing that!

    As for the guy? Naahhh, don’t think so.

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