So I’m relatively new to butt stuff, but I’ve just been having trouble knowing how many times I insert and squeeze. I wait a couple minutes in between them but it just seems endless. I do like 5+ rounds but water never runs clear. I’m just afraid of making a mess. How many times do you guys squeeze, and do yall do it once a day? My stools are soft and I never have any issues with my daily bowel movements, but I figure I gotta start being consistent with douching and doing butt stuff? Ty in advance

  1. Try adding a fiber supplement into your diet, like Metamucil. A little bit at a time. It’s really effective in terms of being clean back there and it’s really good for you in general.

  2. [](

    You’re probably just not doing it right or using enough fluid. Use a shower hose like in this guide. If you have a tub near the toilet, you can use that instead. Those small bulbs and bottles are shit. (Pun Intended)

  3. How much are you putting up there? You don’t actually need too much, and you dont gotta let it sit for a few minutes each time. You only have to clear out your rectum as your colon is seperated by a seperate sphincter, and your body only puts poop in there as needed.

    Putting too much/keeping it in there too long(a minute is fine) can cause leakage into the colon, as that sphincter isnt as watertight as our anus, so too much can result in a constant tribble of stuff and ruin the attempt.

    As long as your last bormal bowel movement happened within the past hour, and you havent done anything to stimulate poops(eating, coffee, etc.), It could take anywhere from 6-12 bulbs(one at a time). Granted some days it can take more or less, and some days it might not work out.

  4. Definitely recommend the extra fiber as other people have suggested. Your stool should not be super soft as a general rule

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