What makes a woman more attractive when it comes to conversation?

What are some habits that make a woman attractive?

How can a woman be charismatic?

What do men find attractive (socially, mentally or emotionally) about women?

  1. You’re a girl… You don’t need to flirt. Majority of the time a guy will decide if he’s interested based on how you look. Being a conversationalist or having flirting tactics wont do much to boost your appeal.

  2. You don’t know to flirt, at first you have to respect yourself and don’t make yourself difficult to man.

  3. All these answers are a dude by dude basis. Not every guy is interested in every girl. The best advice I can give is to show up as you. Be who you are without holding back or fear of if a guy you like will be into you.

    Same goes for flirting. No one can really tell you how to flirt. We all do it differently as it’s an extension of our personalities.

    I’d ask you how would you tell/show a guy you were into them without directly saying “I’m into you.” That’s how you flirt BUT you’re still going to have to tell them you’re into them at some point in the conversation. You flirt to bridge into saying it. Not as a way to avoid saying it.

  4. Just be willing to go on a date, just say yes.
    That’s the most effective flirt a woman can ever do.

    that’s it!
    literally, that’s it.

  5. I’m by no means a femme fatale or anything of the sort but I notice for myself that when my flirting doesn’t come off as rehearsed and I’m just being genuine, is when I’ve managed to hit it off w/ someone. Also, know your angle. For me, trying to come off as sexy feels awkward and prob wouldn’t have the desired affect( also bc I may not have that “ desirable” look) to people. I’ve learned since I don’t have that “drop dead gorgeous” or every guy bows down to me look, I work with my sassiness, humor, playfulness, and physical touch more.

    I’m very witty, give compliments but not too sexual or too insincere early on. I like playful, teasing banter and that rlly has created chemistry with people. I’ve learned, it’s all about knowing your angle or vibe and sticking to that. Also, ask yourself if you like how this person is flirting back. It’s a two-way street and a tango that has to be danced by BOTH people.

  6. Most of the time be your self be real I’m sure woman will say the same thing don’t be shady or sneaky if your interested tell him no man is going to get anger when a woman is touching him and if he is a nice guy a true gentleman don’t waist your time cause most woman are not use to that and they just fuck it up why because he has to be to good to be true

  7. Ask questions. Try to carry the conversation instead of just waiting on the guy to keep talking/keep you interested. Respond with more than yeah.

  8. My big thing is when a woman is actively engaged and enthusiastic in conversation with me. I read body language.

  9. Go find the monologue from Gone Girl about fun girls/cool girls (I forget which word they use). Then take notes.


    Every guy is different. I’m attractive to assertive rock n rollers and/or artists. To me, confidence and not taking crap from folks is 100% my preference. Plus smiling and enjoying talking to people. I don’t have much patience for introverts, sadly. Too many bad experiences with introvert friends/partners being joykills around the other awesome people in my life.

    Plus I dig people who are widely read and can carry or lead a conversation. If I can get into an argument with you about art or culture without it getting personal for either of us: amazing.

    As for flirting; look up tips on youtube. Other women will offer far better ideas than us here.

  10. Confidence, playful banter, light touches on the arm (if appropriate), good eye contact, smiling and laughing (genuine), compliments

  11. Definitely have to be comfortable with yourself, know how to present yourself, and build off of conversation and how it flows. Nothing is ever set in stone specifically. Their are some things that may work, but comes from knowing how to read basic signs and know when to keep going with flirting and knowing when to back down and just move on to the next one.

  12. Interest like others have said. Men just want to feel wanted by someone they also want, just like women

  13. Be more open minded about our hobbies and interests.

    I remember having pillow talk with a girl after fooling around. Movies came up and I geeked out about my love for the animated transformers movie. Her withering look and tone as she told me I was “lucky” I didn’t talk about that beforehand made me insecure, I felt like a loser who has to hide things—shocker, that relationship was toxic af. Now, if a woman insults me or what I enjoy like reading manga, I know the problem is her.

  14. idk if it’s advice, but somethings I try to show in my actions:

    distinguish how you feel about the person and how the person makes you feel, and not be afraid to talk about the two feelings. chances are they have no clue about either of them.

    also I personally think a heart-felt thank you goes a long way.

  15. First question is basically showing interest in the content of the conversation,
    Second question , I’ve personally love smart women , that keep on my toes.
    Third my friend that’s on the phone with me said to make sure she takes the stick out her ass , and relax and have fun.
    Last question, again just speaking for myself, it would be. Balance of those, traits. The girl that can show up in high heels thigh highs and killers dress, and not worry about getting hot wing sauce on her dress.

  16. So I am one of the people who ends up with no friends cause that all suddenly confess their feelings ….

    Just be you, talk about what your passionate about. The right people will love you for you.

  17. Make sure to laugh at every possible chance like a shire Horse.

    Take a big sip of water before they tell you something impressive, and when they finish – spit it all over him while saying ‘WOOOOWWWW’

    Talk about the offside rule.

  18. Holding a cardboard sign with sharpie written saying “I WANT TO FLIRT WITH YOU”

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