What is the dumbest thing you’ve bought just cause the person selling it to you was attractive?

  1. Can honestly say that has never happened lmao. I don’t go shopping unless I need something

  2. A coupon book for local area restaurants.

    I made use of it, saved me some money. But I typically run solicitors off and probably wouldn’t have bought it if she wasn’t so damn cute. lol

  3. A bike, guy was really cute and said he needed the money, convinced him to drive me home (I can’t drive anything, my eyes weren’t made for driving), really enjoyed that ride home, it was cozy.

  4. I didn’t buy it, but I flew to Florida to listen to a timeshare presentation because she was smoking hot.

  5. Does 80% of the shit my wife convinces me to buy if I go shopping with her count? Because I have a long list of “why the fuck did I buy this?….oh right yea…. You”

  6. Pretty sure a lot of people have who think they haven’t because commercials are selling you a product and some attractive person/celebrity pushing it has probably made you want to buy something at some point in your life because you think it will make you just as cool or look as good.

  7. A gym membership that a girl I liked worked at. She quit the next day. Canceled membership day after.

  8. Agreed to become a donor to a local charity when I was broke af myself.

    I called them the next day and literally had to cry to get them to cancel it.

  9. I signed a 3-year contract with a waste disposal company and at the time, I thought I was just making a sound business deal. But days later, it occurred to me that I didn’t look closely enough at the terms, and it was probably because the saleswoman was drop-dead gorgeous.

    A lot of times, it’s subconscious like that. You don’t actually realize “hey, I’m buying this because the saleswoman is hot”. You think you’re just doing normal business, and the influence of her appearance might only become clear to you later, in hindsight.

  10. That has never worked on me. I had a woman go full court press while trying to sell me a car, pretty much insinuating that I could do her in the back of it if I closed the deal. And I did not buy it.

  11. Not physically attractive. But attractive in personality and effort. I bought a new Ford Bronco. My RAV4 was less than 6 months old. I didn’t need the Bronco. But I respected the salespersons hustle.

  12. Stupid little mushroom statue. It’s gross looking, which I like and I stuck it in my garden to watch over my plants. But if she wasn’t cute and talkative I don’t think I would have bought it.

    I did notice the statues before her though since I noticed the stand while she was away in the bathroom or some shit so she wasn’t what got me to walk over.

  13. A car… Lol

    Well no, my dad was looking for a car, so here in my town there was a big sale where a lot of dealers were showing up all of their inventory; so we ended up going with the pretty saleswoman, at the end the prices were fairly equal, so nothing lost!

  14. I’m not a doctor, but I can see why some might be swayed by a hot pharmaceutical rep. I’ve met one before and she was way out of my league

  15. Never, but years ago I had an older saleswoman try to sell my business advertising in their crummy sales paper. She brought along a super hot 20 something that didn’t even say a word. 100% eye candy effect. Didn’t buy crap ad.

  16. It’s not dumb, but a breast cancer donation. Wasn’t planning on spending that money.

  17. In third grade I gave a class mate 50 cents for her bag of funions so she could buy an ice cream she said she wanted instead. I had a crush on her and just wanted to see her smile.

    I hated funions then and I still do lol.

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