Basically what the title says

  1. For being a man, for some reason even though I say that I am one in a lot of my comments or just imply it. There’s some people who think I’m a woman for some reason.

  2. Haven’t been blocked but here’s a good one. My last fight with my ex girlfriend was about me being too nice during our breakup.

  3. I cut my hair. Was kind of a blow to the ego, but then compliments started coming in left and right from other girls about the new do.

  4. She was upset that I took several days to text her after our first date, when she hadn’t texted me either.

  5. Because of my home town. I guess that’s not that random. The place I’m from is a shit, hell hole and getting worse everyday. A tornado hit it about a month back and you couldn’t tell how bad it was actually hit cause most of the buildings are already condemned amd falling apart. Not the weirdest thing I got blocked for. The weirdest thing I would say I got blocked for is cause I said I liked hamburger helper. Didn’t hear another word from her after that

  6. For being a friend. She was going through a rough patch in life her grandmother died suddenly and I got her a nice card and wrote something encouraging in it because I lost my grandfather suddenly the year prior so I understand the pain of lost. Asked for her snap so we can talk explicitly as friends nothing more and I made that apparent that I was just looking to make more friends then one day I look and I’m blocked

  7. For saying Jennifer Lawrence is not a great actress outside of Silver linings playbook.

  8. I visited a new city for a few month for work. I only knew one person in the city, a girl i had asked out a few years before. I wasn’t trying anything ,but i reached out to her to connect. Got no response.

    While i was there I got a major promotion, posted it on LinkedIn, and suddenly she’s reaching out on socials and saying we should hang out at one of the most expensive restaurants in town.

    I had spent the first 1 month on my own, working 14 hour days partially because there was nothing for me to do and noone to hang with. Eventually, some people at a bar i stopped at to watch a game recognized me and called me over. And i hung with them on weekend and after work some nights. But that first month just sucked. The idea that she just ignored me until the promotion pissed me off and i just blocked her immediately.

  9. Was in Vienna on vacation, was looking for like a pub or something like that. I was alone, saw a group of girls outside of a luxury bar, “oh, hey, they must know where the pubs must be”, it’s what I thought.

    I asked if they knew where the pub/bar area was, one of the girls flatly stated “we’re too hot for you”. “Yeah, I know. I’m looking for a pub” was my response in the most blunt way possible.

    One of the girls did point me somewhere, so I said thanks and left.

    Alas, no success. Did meet a nice shawarma seller dude who busted GPS and told me where to. Too far to walk. Nice dude, though.

  10. I can’t say I’ve ever noticed if I’ve been blocked by someone? Whatever it’s their life and I wouldn’t really care one way or the other.

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