How do I deal with comments on my physical appearance?

People mostly comment on my weight and I feel insecure but it happens so often that I can’t keep asking everyone to stop talking about it. I try to ignore the comment and steer the conversation to a different topic but I guess people sense my discomfort. This creates a barrier and I feel like I’m not able to connect with people.

I’d like to be nonchalant and unbothered.

  1. The big question is: Do you like the way you are right now?

    If the answer is yes, you wouldn’t even care about what they are saying.

    But if you care about it, the only thing you can do is change something.

    And that doesn’t mean you change something because they are not nice to you, you change something because you want to feel good in your own body 🙂

  2. Just own it and make fun of yourself if the goal is to be nonchalant.

    Yeah I’m getting up there. Thinking I might join a tug of war team soon.

    You’re right, I’m packing it on. Do you think I should stop eating cookies for dinner. Maybe mom was right.

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