I prefer texting a few messages first and then calling. I feel calling is more natural, personal and direct line of communication. Texting can lead to misunderstandings (i.e. recipient takes offence to a message when it wasn’t intentional).

Your thoughts?

  1. Definitely calling if you want to actually know if you like the problem is. That most people just want like fifteen digital pen pals to text throughout the day when they get bored Then. They don’t even try to actually talk Usually start getting upset with you if you’re not like overly entertaining. But it’s a two way street especially when it comes to text messages

  2. Calling because you can get very useful information like for example then you ask question is way easier to know if she is lying or no

  3. I prefer texting only because I hate talking on the phone. Text is easier and you don’t have to set time aside to do so.

  4. Pretty much ANY time my phone rings, no matter WHO it is, my only thought is, “……..What the fuck are you even doing?”
    I admit I’m weird though. I just hate it so much.

  5. I’d prefer actually talking to the one I started texting as I can say more on the phone instead of a LONG assed text

  6. If you phone me, I’ll watch it ring.

    If I’m offended by your text, I’ll ask you to explain

  7. Texting or calling only at the beginning. Think of it as the baby step, the appetizer for the real conversation. Meet him/her in real life. Hang out together.

  8. Calling is so much better, you actually have the other person’s attention and can interact more organically.

    Texting is for kids staying up late to text their bf/gf that their parents don’t know about

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