I recently got into a relationship and lost my virginity with him. He is super sweet and he has said that I’m pretty and Ik it.I’m in LDR so whenever we meet we have sex and naked cuddling session later, but I wanna have shower with him he wants it too but I’m insecure about my body as I’m overweight n have alot of stretch marks.Even tho he has seen me naked yet it’s different. What to do as I wanna do it next time we meet

  1. Stand with confidence. If he’s a decent man, he’ll appreciate your body. If he’s not, dump him.

    Also, I encourage you to let him know you’re feeling self-conscious about your body. His response will clue you in to the kind of partner he will be for you.

  2. Honestly try your best to not worry about it. If a guy chooses you, he’s probably into your body type. And if he’s into your body type, he will find all of that attractive. He will be happy to reassure you of that.

    From a guy who finds all of that attractive.

  3. I donā€™t think you should worry much. I can understand your concern but since youā€™ve already hooked up heā€™s seen you naked (Iā€™m guessing it wasnā€™t too dark every time) so donā€™t worry rather just enjoy the experience haha

  4. Heā€™s not going to care. Youā€™re naked in the shower together. Just have fun and enjoy it. šŸ˜œ
    On a side note, actually having sex in the shower can be difficult. Best for make out and oral if thatā€™s your thing, then actually going to a bed for the sexy times.

  5. If your body was an issue he wouldnt continue wanting to be with you if hes already had sex. Next time he comes over just hop in the shower and leave the door open. He wont hesitate

  6. Okay so after reading all your comments here’s what I’m gonna do take better care of myself and exercise daily to help me feel confident about by self let others thing for him to do šŸ™‚

  7. I can understand it would be nerve-racking to be in that situation, but as the husband of a bbw, allow me to say that there are guys out there who will absolutely appreciate you for who and what you are.

    My wife was terrified the first dozens of times we were intimate, often with the lights out. But as I showed her how much I appreciated the gift (and it is truly a GIFT to me…) of her body, she slowly started to understand that I was vibing on what she was giving. And as she gained confidence in she got even sexier.

    EVERYONE will find out they aren’t someone else’s cup of tea, but there are plenty of people who will drink you right up.

    Go forth, be confident in yourself, and simply respond in kind to others. There’s no point in wasting time with those who don’t want to know what you bring.

  8. Most men donā€™t care about fat and stretch marks and imperfections the way we think they do. Heā€™s into you, heā€™s into your body. And hereā€™s a secret. When you are confident and flaunt it, you are even more sexy. You donā€™t even have to believe it. Fake it and see how you can drive him wild

  9. I’m a mid-40s woman. I’m a feminist, nudist, body positive. Bad ass chick that gets laid a lot.

    *The sexiest trait in a woman is not a physical one. The sexiest trait is a woman who loves her body and loves sex.*

    I see women with these gym bodies and perfect hair and makeup. I bet most are bad lovers, because they will never believe their body is “good enough” for someone to be sexual with.

    Sexual self-esteem can be learned. The sooner you make peace with your body exactly as it is *today*, the sooner your life will take wings and sex will be a joyful gift you give one another.

  10. He has already seen you in all your naked glory, have no fear of the shower, a lot of fun stuff can and will happen as you soap each other up, rinse, rub, and tug. Enjoy it, let loose.

  11. Probably the main reason heā€™s into you in the first place and you just said ā€œhe wants it toā€ so give the man what he wants and you to can have fun donā€™t hold anything back, good luck dear

  12. >Even tho he has seen me naked yet it’s different

    Is it? How?

    If he saw this as a problem, he wouldn’t compliment you or want to shower with you or want to fuck you. This is your insecurity that you’re projecting onto him.

    Common advice is to “just don’t worry about it”, but that’s not how insecurity works. But I think the first step is to reframe the issue by realizing that it’s not different. He’s seen your body from every angle by now, so you ain’t got nothing that he isn’t intimately familiar with. No sense trying to hide.

  13. Do not worry about it.. every man that has ever showered with a woman has 100% focus on staying warm.. as we are left shivering with no hot water on our body.

  14. Well I actually had the same insecurities but the thing is you are already past the state of him seeing your body – He clearly accepts that you are abit heavier.

    I have stretch marks to but I like to think of them as tiger stripes – Cheesey I know lol

    Treat it the same as any shower, GO in and take a shower. Admire him like I am sure he admires you.
    Couples showers are the best because then you guys can wash each other once you get comfortable enough. It’s very soothing, GO for it!

  15. I was like this the first time too. I kind of just hyped myself up, took off my clothes and to my suprise, nothing terrible happened. In fact, he called me beautiful and has made me feel it ever since.
    Iā€™ve struggled with my self imagine for a long time and when my boyfriend and I first started dating I really didnā€™t want to be naked in front of him. Itā€™s gonna take time to feel comfortable with out the comfort of your clothes but now 6 months in and Iā€™m prancing around the room naked with not a care in the world.

  16. First time showering with my fiancĆ© I felt pretty self conscious because nothing sexual was happening and nothing was there to take away the fact that heā€™s looking at my body in a new perspective that wasnā€™t sexual. We shower together everyday now and itā€™s all second nature being naked around each other and even on my bad days I donā€™t like my body he always reassures me

  17. You know what I did first time I had a shower with him?
    Asked him to be in front of me and show me his back. He was cool with that and actually gave me as many minutes as I needed to cool down before letting him turn around to face me. I gave him a good booba back massageāœŒļøšŸ¤£
    If you’re not comfy after some time, then don’t let him turn around at all. You can step out of the shower and try next time.
    It’s okay and he will (or at least should try to) understand.
    GL and HF!

  18. i spent a lot of time being super worried about how i looked and feeling uncomfortable anytime my partner just wanted to look at my body and this is what helped. worst case, and the unlikely one, is that heā€™s not attracted to you. as much as that would suck, accepting the possibility of the worst case scenario makes it so much less scary because the worst case isnā€™t that bad. he wants to be with you, the only thing that could be a turnoff is if he thinks youā€™re hot and you wonā€™t let him appreciate you.

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