I (23F) matched with this guy (25M) on Bumble a couple of months ago. We were texting a lot and went on the first date after a couple of weeks and it was quite nice, he texted me the day after saying he had had a really nice time and asking if we could meet up again. That happened only three weeks later because I was outside of the country for two weeks.

This time there were some silent moments and generally I sometimes felt like maybe I was talking too much compared to him and I was feeling a bit uncomfortable and couldn’t ask as many questions as I would have wanted to (he seems a bit shy/quiet).
Anyway I decide to text him first after that second date to see his reaction and he immediately asks for a third date.
The third date was also okay, nothing special and the conversation is sometimes interesting, sometimes boring.

Basically, I don’t feel any special attraction for him right now but he seems like a good and intelligent person, plus none of us are making any move at all during those dates and we haven’t mentioned any relationship/romantic topic.

That’s why I’m considering telling him to just become friends because via text we usually talk about interesting stuff and hanging out with him is already basically like hanging out with a friend: there’s literally no flirting and we always split the bill (he never even once tried to pay, but neither did I so maybe I shouldn’t complain).

On the other side thought i don’t know if maybe I’m just worrying too much and should wait and see how things go, but I’m not very into this uncertainity and lack of idea of his intentions. Should I maybe just ask him what he thinks? Is it too soon?

1 comment
  1. If you see him as more of a friend that’s fine just don’t be surprised if he would rather cut contact than remain friends. Also, have you tried initiating anything? Holding hands? Touching? Kissing? He could just be nervous and doesn’t want to come on too strong. Tell him you want him to kiss you or you initiate. Some guys don’t take a hint and some girls can’t give a hint.

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