So I’ve lived with my bf in our own place for close to 3 years now and one thing that gets under my skin without fail is when he goes to the bathroom, 50% of the time he leaves a dribble or even small puddle on the floor. Every time I mention something about it he always says the same thing about how hard it is to control the stream. Okay. whenever I talk him to try sitting down to go to the bathroom he always says it makes him uncomfortable. Fine. Those are valid points but what gets me is that he leaves it like every time for me to step in and get soaked into my socks. How many times does he step in it himself and track it all over the carpet? Don’t know what to do about it. I’m sick of cleaning it up and stepping in it. If he just cleaned it up himself after each time I genuinely wouldn’t care but he’s unwilling to do anything about it and I’ve mentioned it to him dozens of times. Each time it’s “you try peeing with a dick” or “why don’t you stand up to pee after peeing sitting down your whole life?” Trying to turn the tables on me. Each time all I hear is “sorry I’m a man and I’m always going to piss on the floor and you’ll have to deal with it.” It’s so disrespectful, especially with all the effort I put into keeping the house clean. How can I actually talk to him about this without him getting defensive?

Edit: He really isn’t unhygienic it’s just this one thing. He’s always on top of the chores and helps me wherever he can, washes his butthole throughly everything else is perfect but for some reason he chooses to die on this piss hill every time I bring it up. I can also see where he gets it because his dad is the exact same way. I’m not saying that that excuses it because no it doesn’t but clearly he hasn’t had anyone his whole life tell him it’s wrong aside from me. He truly is a lovely person and I love him to bits, I think this would be a really silly reason to break up with him like a lot of you are suggesting. I just don’t know how to get through to him.

  1. I have been married to a man for over a decade and he doesn’t piss on the floor. He needs to figure it out or at least clean tf up after himself…

  2. That’s nasty af, OP I’n a guy who always had trouble controlling this too and the REALLY FUCKING EASY solve for it is to just sit on the toilet when you pee. Just tell your bf to try that if he doesn’t want to deal with cleaning it up every time.

  3. Wow. I’ve shared toilets with people with dicks, and they never left a puddle. Does he know that he needs to use his hand to guide his stream? Perhaps he needs to stand closer to the toilet so the last dribbles go in the bowl. Ask him to see if there’s a YouTube video available to teach him how to use a toilet. I mean, millions of men can pee & aim. Why can’t he? Does he have depth perception problems?

    Maybe you can paper train him like a puppy. Put some newspaper on the floor in front of the toilet where he likes to leave a puddle. Perhaps that will show him that he’s peeing on the floor or will teach him to clean up his pee.

    You might ask his mother why she didn’t completely potty train him.

    Seriously, I would break up with someone so dirty and lazy as to leave a puddle of urine on the floor. My urine-soaked socks would land on his person every time I stepped in his puddle.

    Does he leave puddles of pee wherever he goes? Every time he pees at someone’s house, he’s leaving his filth behind?

    He should be ashamed of his selfishness & laziness.

  4. Millions of mens can pee without leaving puddles. If he can’t aim: sit! If he doesn’t want to sit, he need to clean up his pee!

    His behaviour is just disgusting and disrespectful. You are not his pee-maid! It is not your job to clean up his pee! And why don’t you start to piss while standing, leave your puddles and when he finds them just say “Hey, i’m nearly as good as you!”

  5. I’ve been with my fair share of men and not one of them peed on the floor. Maybe he thinks he’s a cat marking his territory? Whatever it is it’s gross and not normal.

  6. Your boyfriend doesn’t respect you or his surroundings. 3 years is a long time to practice and learn to control the stream, if he actually cared about you that is.

  7. You can’t. He’s already decided that it’s OK to pee on the floor and that you have to deal with it.

    A man here. And no, not all men pee on the floor, 99% of men do not pee in the floor.

    Hrs just a loser.

  8. Throw Cherrio’s in the toilet and tell him to shoot them. That’s how we potty trained my nephew. lol

    Honestly he doesn’t respect you. Why would you stay with someone who is so gross in their disrespect?

  9. that is absolutely disgusting and no way i would stay with a man who would disrespect himself, me, and the home in this way.

  10. You can’t talk to him. You tried, and got only put-downs. It’s a disgusting situation, and I think you should split up with him. He’s a man-child.

  11. How have you put up with this for three years?! I’ve been married to a man for 23 years. Never once have I found pee on the floor, neither drips nor puddles. I have raised 3 boys. Again, never pee on the floor since potty training days and if they did get any, they would clean it so no one else knew. Your bf is a child, and your tolerating this for 3 years has made it quite clear to him that it’s not a problem for you. He needs a parent and isn’t ready for a grown-up relationship.

  12. It doesn’t sound like he’s being that defensive. He’s just saying no, and trying to get you to understand that the answer will always be no and there’s no point in bringing it up again. I don’t see how he could be any more clear.

    As he said, you will have to deal with it. Or you could choose to leave and find someone with a higher level of hygiene and respect.

  13. My father if almost 70 years old and he pees sitting down. Why? Because he has only great granddaughters who walk into the bathroom (all under 6) and he doesn’t want them seeing that part of him.

    My husband has cerebral palsy and the left side of him is partially paralyzed. He cannot use his left hand. He pees standing up and he doesn’t drip or splash on the floor.

    If they can do it then so can your boyfriend. From the sounds of your post it seems like my 2 yr old male jack russel terrier is more mature than he is. At least he’ll wait until he gets outside!

    Edit: spelling

  14. Ew. You shouldn’t have to teach him how to be a grown up, and the fact that he *refuses* to stop acting like a disgusting 10 year old is alarming. I was with my ex husband for 10 years, and been with my current partner for 8. Neither of them has *ever* left a pee puddle for me to step in.

  15. He is disgusting.

    A true Man (to use his own words) cleans up after himself.

    So tell him he sits down to piss, learns to aim properly (I mean if people can teach kids, he can learn) or he cleans up after himself.

    If he doesn’t, then start using rubber gloves, mop it up with toilet paper, and then put it in his hand.

  16. I have two suggestions; pour kitty litter around the front of the toilet, and when he complains he’s not an animal, he can prove it by peeing in the bowl.

    Second suggestion: (I used to work as a cleaner in an infant school, you can imagine the mess!)
    I took a ping pong ball, drew a target on it, and put it in the bowl. Gives them something to aim for, and doesn’t flush away. This worked wonders on the small people. If he wants to act like a child he can be treated like one.

    There is no way he can’t aim better etc, if small children can, then he certainly can.

    It is absolutely disgusting, and would be a deal breaker for me.

  17. What he needs to do is work on his aim. I have 6 brothers and a husband. I’ve never stepped in pee because of them. Not making a mess, or at least cleaning up the mess, isn’t that hard. Does he care so little for you that he can’t take a minute to clean up after himself? No, you don’t have to deal with it. Tell him to clean up after himself or go live in a barn with the rest of the animals.

  18. Gosh, this sounds like my ex. He got his piss fucking everywhere because his pathetically fragile male ego wouldn’t let him sit down without his manhood crumbling and turning him into a “pussyboy” (as he would say when I asked/told/demanded it). I had nasty walls that were sticky from pee, the floor had about a million tiny droplets from the splashback when he let loose directly into the water (he also never closed the lid before flushing), the toilet edges had yellow sticky residue, the floor occasionally had puddles, the outside of the bowl had streaks of yellow going down the sides, and as the cherry on top, I caught him wiping his pissfingers on the clean towel because he got pee on them from using his slab of foreskin to push the last drop off his pp, because apparently toilet paper is only for buttwipery. Fucking disgusting. He wouldn’t clean either, and he thought it was so fucking funny when I stepped in it, but he stopped laughing when he noticed that something of his started reeking of urine awhile after I started using it to wipe up his mess with. He was warned. I regret nothing.

  19. Yea, most men don’t get pee on the floor. I have nephews who are literal children who don’t get pee on the floor.

  20. Tell him either he starts to act like an adult and clean his own pee up or your done. Nobody in their right mind would put up w this. Or tell him that you insist he use the guest bath – if you don’t have one insist on a new place w two toilets and he can cover the rent increase

    Then establish a no shoe rule for all guests. Warn yours but allow his step in pee and embarrass the hell out of him. Your friends can use your pee free bath

  21. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…Wut?

    Nope. Nope nope nope. That’s…wow.

    Just Wow. Well, he doesn’t want to change so I guess you have to decide if having a man piss on the floor is an acceptable partner trait.

    My guess is sooner or later this will change how you see him because he’s chosen ‘peeing on the floor’ as his hill to die on.

  22. I have lived with three different men and was married for eight years and none of them pissed in the floor. Or if they did I never knew about it because they cleaned it up.

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