I’m 18m, My 2 cousins are 7f and 12f.
I barely see my family due to far away continents. I get to see them now. So far i can’t tell if they dislike me.

W/ 7f cousin, she had convos with me.she mostly wants to be on her phone. I tried to show her a game but she wasn’t paying attention . once she gave me gummies too but idk if she gave me cuz my aunt forced her too. She sometimes doesn’t greet me goodbye won’t even a hug (It’s polite gesture in argentina to give a person a hug when saying bye/hi). One time she was about too and just award stood there when i was getting up but she just walked to someone else. she just hangs around my other cousin more. Yesterday she wanted to play on someone’s phone but couldn’t so i wanted to give her mines She said no. One time her friend made her invite me to talk to them. Her friend just kept laughing at everything i was saying and asking me stuff. After that we had to eat and my cousin was just giving me a werid smile and i was like “what?” in a awkward way. She spoke to me once and sat with me then she moved in the shade and once i moved to the shade as well she moved inside the house She said it was bc she was bored but idk if she did that cuz of me. Yesterday we went on horses and she said how she chose her horse cuz it was more relaxed but she said something else that i couldn’t hear well and i think she was implying that i’m crazy idk. In the car she was joking around with me by tapping on my back repeatedly and so i was playing with her with a animal balloon and she said “ugly” but before that she said another word in spanish Idk if she was calling me that or the balloon. Later that night she gives my grandma and mom a hug for her upcoming birthday but completely ignored me and my grandpa.

12f cousin, she doesn’t say anything to me She does give me a goodbye and hi hug sometiems and we always start off awkward when we see each other again since it’s been so long but it usually doesn’t last so long but this time it did. She just hangs around my 8 year old cousin mainly and doesn’t acknowledge me She did this last time i visited but only for a day but sometimes she would try to ditch me with her friends or cousin. One time she just gave me a awkward stare and looked away.

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