Especially if the relationship was dead for a while prior to actually ending.

  1. Normally people make bad decisions when in an emotional state. This is why the term rebound exists, and why they are normally bad.

  2. It’s good to know who you are outside of a relationship and be whole and complete with yourself before diving into something else with someone else. So you’re in the new relationship for the right reasons as opposed to being in the relationship because you don’t know how to be you without one.

  3. Ya that’s just general crap that isn’t very helpful. You need to develop the skill of self reflection. You are the only one that can really tell what you feel but it doesn’t hurt to find someone creditable to speak with when you have a blind spot. Like me for example.. I got out of a long dead relationship. So I already felt single for over a year or two. I started dating a girl a few weeks to a month after and we have been together for 7 years. Self reflection is tough though but it’s needed if you really want to pick a better partner and be a better partner. Like have you ever even reflexed on what you bring to the table and what you could do better? Most don’t

  4. There’s who you are and who you are in a relationship. Both are different because you naturally adjust yourself to another person when in a relationship with them. You need time to get back to who you are or you’ll be adjusting for someone else while still adjusted for the first person.

    Do it often enough and you lose yourself to different versions of who you are for other people. Even without going that far, would you want to be with someone who’s still mentally in another relationship?

  5. People will downvote me for this but I just tell people do what feels right. But then again the people I know who jump from one relationship to the next are co-dependant people.

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