Im not sure how to handle this situation?

Am I wrong for feeling upset for her saying grow up. Or do I need to apologize to her for how I acted and said?

I had gotten jealous because herfamily does not know we are semi dating we aren’t official. And they know she’s also online dating. Her family brought up how they know this guy that would be great for her and they want her to meet him. I was fine with that. Then she said “it’s yalls fault you haven’t introduced him to me”. That’s when I felt jealous. I was only quiet during the rest of the car ride that I didn’t feel like talking. Then after the car ride she had told me “are you done being a drama queen”. I had said “yes.”

Later that night she had texted me that I didn’t tell her I got home. I still was upset about earlier. I had texted her as joking around “I’m still being a drama queen from earlier about that guy. So yes I’m still throwing a tantrum”. I had sent a picture of a kid throwing a tantrum. She texted me back “grow up…. And I said “it was wrong of me to feel jealous and I’m sorry. I want us to be committed and I know I am the the one”. She replied back with “No. You think you are. I don’t like being told something I don’t agree with. I feel it’s being forced on me. Which I think it’s a cocky behavior/tone”.

That was the last thing that was said. If I was wrong I know I need to apologize. It hurt when she said to grow up.

1 comment
  1. Dude, this girl is not commited to you that i can tell you. Apologizing won’t change that. You are an option to her. I think it’s time you traet her as an option too, start being less available for her, and begin to see other girls

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