Date tomorrow with a guy I matched on bumble while living in another state. Kept him on insta. He likes all my pics. I unfollowed him and sent him a stupid text a month ago because I was confused. He left me on read and I unsent the messages. He stopped liking my pics but viewed my stories. I since deleted the apps and recently posted a pic. He liked it. I followed him and said hey. Fast forward he’s driving an hour to meet me tomorrow. He says he has friends to visit but I think he’s coming mostly to see me. He didn’t reply much on bumble or insta but he texts me back fast and a lot. I wasnt really interested but last two days I’ve been getting excited. He is 6ft and just one year older. He’s into fitness. He seems fun. But he’s leaving for Oregon until end of September for a job :/. He’s really handsome so I’m sure he’ll get a girl but he keeps saying about me visiting and he ultimately wants to return to Montana.

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