In your opinion, how can a man achieve his true potential?

  1. When you level up make sure your experience points are equally spread out to your attributes like strength, dexterity, intelligence and magic. This way and only this way will a man truly reach his full potential.

  2. $6,000,000 , bionic enhancements . We can make him better , stronger ,faster .

  3. The first thing to do is stop caring what other people think. A lot of people will tell you you’re going to fail when you’re trying something new because they have their own insecurities. When people tell me I can’t do something I just use it as motivation to prove them wrong.

  4. He takes care of his responsibilities.

    He acts with integrity.

    He stays clean and groomed.


    When he fails, he does better than he did yesterday.

  5. Find a mentor or coach. Some of you haven’t got internal motivation so get some guidance/help.

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