help :/ should i say something or just move on

so Im crushing on this guy i met at a social for my internship who hosted the social (he’s an intern from a diff city), the last social was abt 3 weeks and and so i messaged him on Instagram and thanked him for organizing the event and said hopefully we can catch up , he than said to let him know when I wanna catch up so I did… he said 3 days when he was free, I asked him which of the days works best, and then nothing from him since so he basically ghosted me (that was last Thursday) … I’m wondering did I do something wrong? Should I have just picked one of the days, suggested a time and asked him how does it sound … also is it too late for me to follow up or say something to him. Again, last time I messaged him was last Thursday, ik he partied all last weekend for st pattys so he would have been away, but now it is Tuesday so he had to have seen my message even though it says “sent” instead of “seen”, and he didn’t unfollow me or anything like that. I also have his number which he gave everyone who attended the social but idk if he’d be ok if I message him there. Should I even bother following up or just move on? I did add his Snapchat today from quick add but he didn’t add back (at least not yet). I don’t wanna be too forward or pushy or anything like that, if I’m doing anything wrong please let me know , im super inexperienced with this type of stuff

1 comment
  1. It hurts being ghosted! Yes, when someone gives you days they’re free, they usually want you to select which works best for you. I don’t think it’s too late though and you definitely didn’t offend him or anything of that nature. He probably just didn’t know how to respond in the moment and then forgot about it. Just send him another message saying something like “hey are you still interested?” You’re fine! 🙂

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