So there’s a girl at my school who’s a assistant trainer and I want her so bad. I play on the football team and whenever we come in to lift she always finds her way right next to me when I’m lifting. So last week when everyone left the gym I approached her had a short conversation and introduced myself and got her name and walked away. The next time I saw her we had a good short get to know you conversation. I feel like I should have asked her out then but I didn’t. Today I wasn’t able to talk to her because we were maxing and it was to hectic but as we were leaving we locked eyes before she got into her car. I won’t see her again until Thursday and it’s probably the last time I’ll see her because we’re done after. What should be my next move?

  1. What is the age disparity? Are you in high-school?

    If the age isn’t an obvious issue here then ask her out

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