We moved to a new area roughly 3 years ago. I’ve been at home with our kids and my husband works long shifts. Usually his work schedule is either 4PM-4AM (overnights) or 4AM-4PM all day. He usually has 3 day weekends.

During the week, I don’t really see him since he literally works all day. On weekends he dedicated roughly 3 hours to gym time; the rest of the time is doing errands/house work and spending time with the kids. He goes to sleep at 7:30PM when our kids go to sleep.

This means that we are never alone, as a couple, without our kids. I tried finding a babysitter but that failed. I asked if he could stay up a bit later but he said that he needs sleep (our kids wake up very early, doesn’t matter what time they go to bed).

I feel very disconnected from him. When I told him this he said ,”me too,” but that was the end of the conversation. Anytime I ask, “what do you think would help?” He just says, “I don’t know.” I feel like we are just occupying space together. We aren’t fighting but we don’t really talk to each other either. It’s just lonely.

  1. You better force a conversation with him. You all need to do something before there is nothing

  2. I understand your feelings & you are entitled to feel the way you do,But have you tried to see it from his perspective? I’m sure your husband doesn’t like those long hours either or being apart from the kids & you & not having any free time to himself.
    Times are hard right with rising prices in everything. Having only one person working is a huge struggle. Many SAHM have started working because of it.

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