I’m at university and had to do group work with 4 other people (I’m not english but this was an english class)

We had a week to write an essay, we chose the theme and divided it into parts. Each person had to write their parts on a google doc.

I finished my part on friday and asked them when they could post theirs. We had to set a deadline so we had enough time to edit and revise the doc so that it looked like it was written by 1 person.

They told me on whatsapp they’d finish it on saturday. But on saturday, 2 girls weren’t responding, another one posted her part but it was short. And the other one just copy pasted smthg she found on a website.

I told her we were supposed to write our own sentences, not simply copy paste. She said it was “miscommunication”, but it seems pretty logical to me. She responded she would write it but didn’t. She was asking stupid question, like “did we post our draft on the drive ?”. I wanted to answer “dude, you were in class w us, you’re the one who chose the theme.” But i didn’t answer anythign since i had nothing nice to say…

As a result, i had to make more research to write her part, 1 day before our homework was due. And another girl helped in editing, but her grammar wasn’t all that so i still had to correct it. I basically did 75% of the work. Which is not the 1st (nor the last) time.

Oh, and the other one who went mia just magically reappeared on the due date when we sent the final text…

If you’ve been in this stuation how did you prevent it from happening again ? How to deal w such people ?

1 comment
  1. Never do someone else work. Do not let other people drag you down.

    You should have talked your professor and explained the situation.

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