I hear stories all of the time about people’s first loves, but sometimes the person you loved didn’t love you back or it was a toxic situation and they treated you poorly.

I wanna hear about how people found loving relationships after they got their heart shattered in a previous relationship.

  1. I felt tremendous relief and comfort. It felt good to love and be loved again.

  2. My first relationship was in the country I was born and then I had to move to a close country due to the situation it was hard to end things when both of us were having an excellent relationship we agreed to keep communication but she never answered any of my messages or things like that ig bc of the situation that’s the time where I suffered a lot and to the point that I thought I would never find someone but now I look back and think about all nights I cried and is funny lol, I also learnt to know when is gonna be a real pain that will probably go with me forever (meaning I will forever remember those memories and things like that) and yeah I have had more relationships but the one I think is gonna be with me forever is one that end up recently not because of the time being recent… just bc It was something more natural and we clicked in everything, honestly thought she was gonma be part of my life for more time but had to end up due to something that I had to accept and be ready for that which I was not so had to end it up, I think I will probably find someone else and all of that but damn I honestly wish it was her but well circumstances are different

  3. It showed me I was worthy of love again because after constant failures, rejections, you start second guessing yourself.

  4. It’s almost euphoric. For me, I feel like it’s stronger than my first love since I was broken down lower after my first than I was before them. Then feeling the love from this person now feels so much more. I know what I did right, what I did wrong, improved where I needed, and since they’ve been through it too, we have a much better understanding of ourselves and each other. I’m really hopeful for this one and it’s looking up.

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