So I [18F] have been planning and drawing my own tattoo design (as an artist wanting a tattoo) and the placement and all. I decided to share this with a group of friends i was with to get their input and show them what i was planning to get in the near future. This guy [19M] whose an acquaintance of mine (not really close friend or have any classes with, just see him around dorm and chat occasionally) and was there with us when I shared the tattoo design, sent me photos of his tattoo. The exact same tattoo that I had planned to get, same placement and everything. He says he asked the tattoo artist to freehand it but it’s basically the same exact tattoo. My boyfriend says he thinks the guy has liked me for a while before hand but i ignored it bc i don’t even know him well enough to care, but now that he took my tattoo design i wanted it pisses me off. Am i right to be upset and tell him off about it? What should i do?

TL;DR! Guy friend(not close) got the tattoo i designed and showed it to me after knowing i had been planning to get it. What do i do?

  1. You are right to be upset. He used your art without your consent. It might even be a copyright violation, but I’m not a lawyer. Regardless, I would recommend not telling him off. I would recommend not reacting to it at all and ignoring it. He clearly wants your attention, so why give him any of it after what he did?

  2. Tell him off, because he’s a thief. Then improve the tattoo design and make it look even better so when you get your tattoo there’s no connection to him.

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