I (25F) was previously on dating apps some months ago. I matched with an older guy back then, but he turned the conversation sexual too quick and I called him out on it. He didn’t seem to like this and proceeded to basically say I’m being a prude or because I was flirting back I was asking for it to turn sexual, etc etc.

I proceeded to block him. He somehow managed to message me elsewhere (finding me on social media) and saying I’m being petty blocking him. Bit of back and forth before I block him there too.

I just downloaded one dating app again this evening. He must have been on the carousel because I see a ‘compliment’ come up from his profile commenting on one of my pictures. Said picture is me jokingly posing in front of a street sign that’s been graffitied over with the word ‘b*tch’.
He comments “appropriate sign for you to pose in front of…”.

It’s been MONTHS. We barely spoke, and have had no interaction since. Why does this bloke feel the need to ‘match’ with me essentially just to try and insult me? I obviously didn’t respond and just rejected the match but found it truly bizarre, especially as he’s older than me…

  1. I think you just hurt his ego

    I say keep blocking anytime one of his accounts pops up

  2. OLD and apps are for freaks and losers. They are NOT designed to find you a mate, they are designed to keep you plugged in and scrolling/swiping. The little hits of dopamine you get looking at profiles and making choices are like a drug.

    The problem too many people have now is that they think you cannot hope to find a mate unless you do it using electrons. Which is bullshit.

    Dump the apps. Delete your OLD profile. Go back out into the world and meet real people. It is a much better way to live.

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