What’s the best advice you’ve ever gotten when it comes to talking to girls?

  1. “Talk to them like a normal human being because women are people too they really aren’t that different.”

  2. Imagine they already said yes

    It just a little cue to help you be more relaxed and confident

  3. Focus on having fun while talking to them and keep it light hearted and playful.

  4. It’s all about the appearance , you must appear clean/nicely dressed/good body and most importantly confident.

  5. I wasn’t really given advice from anyone, but I’ve naturally talked to them all the same.

    It doesn’t matter if they’re hot, ugly, smart, dumb. I’ll say hi to everyone and start small talk with them regardless of their looks or status

  6. Make sure they realize they are but ONE option. That means you need to talk to lots of women, not just the ones that make your pupils dilate.

  7. I was raised with 5 sisters so I never really had much issue talking to girls.

    But I’ve found that many ladies will talk the ears off an elephant if you let them – so my advice is to not let them do that!

  8. Ridding yourself of any expectation or outcome. Go with the flow and be yourself, there should be no effort in “trying” to win someone over. True relationships happen naturally and unforced.

  9. Just talk and be yourself. Treat them like any other person.

    If you’re interested romantically, I prefer to be direct and just ask them to do something with me.

  10. I follow my own advice. Default to them not finding you attractive. I can have normal conversations without an issue. Mostly because they don’t find me attractive, so it makes it easier lol. If you want flirting advice… can’t help you there.

  11. Their human beings. Talk to them like one. So don’t overthink or overinflate them before you talk/meet them.

  12. Ask them questions! Most woman love being interrogated about their life decisions.

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