what is your go-to fun fact about yourself when you have to come up with one?

  1. i’m a pretty good cook/baker and id be willing to make (or try to) anything someone asks

  2. Per my 4 year old’s review, I’m apparently the best horse. So no matter what happens, I’ve always got that to fall back on.

  3. Whenever I’d have to do this in school I would just bring up my cats. Makes it about them instead of about me so I never have to reveal anything about me. More forgettable than an actual lame fun fact about myself, people might remember that.

  4. Once in undergrad we had to turn to the person next to you and tell them something they wouldn’t know by looking at you.

    Me: “I dress to the left”

  5. I’ve never been in this kind of circumstance. Is this something that is supposed to happen? Like, i’ve been all over the world, literally, and i’ve never been in a situation where I needed to come up with some fun factoid about me.

  6. Thanks to The US Navy, I’ve been to over 35 countries and stepped foot on every continent except Antarctica.

  7. That I had to explain to our future prime minister in a meeting how clitoral circumcision worked. (as a complete non expert).

    Or that I have done 2 parachute jumps and had to use the secondary chute on both occasions. I have not done a 3rd.

  8. Outside of reddit, nobody is asking. I would probably drop one of my anecdotal stories about some experience. I talk about back country backpacking a lot.

    It helps if I know the person’s interests, so I can try to tell a story they would find relatable. I browsed your profile breifly to see if there is a “fun fact about me” that you could relate to. …fun fact, we are both on reddit. Take an upvote.

  9. I’m fourth generation, father-to-son, to go to war. The real irony is that we’re not a military family, we’re not an overly patriotic family (none of us flies an American flag in front of our houses or anything) and we don’t really talk about politics or social issues. We like fishing, watching football, drinking beer and making up excuses to not go to church on Sundays.

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