I’m in the process of making a video series into how I got more confident and more social and while planning the series I realized the one simple thing I did (accidentally) that has improved my social skills 10 fold.

I wanted to share it now with you guys since a lot of you got a lot of value from my last post on here.

I wasn’t confident or sporty growing up. I feel like during sports as a child is where a lot of people develop their social skills. They develop conflict resolution and they develop encouragment and just general chit chat skills.
I’d missed the opportunity for this as a kid and I’d always felt some kind of social gap between myself and sporty people (can anyone else relate?).

A few years ago I started watching football (propper football, not NFL – sorry Americans), and I got really into it. The more passion I got for my team the more invested I got.

Football is huge in the UK, it’s pretty uncommon to find someone (especially males) who aren’t into it. This new interest gave me something to chat about with almost 80% of the guys I met.

I had a cheat code to chatting with most people about something I was genuinely passionate about. And these chats also lead to a lot of disagreements and arguments, but they were good natured arguments and they helped me refine my social skills.

I found I’d unlocked social skills I didn’t know I didn’t have. I was more confident and better equiped to hold my own in conversations and get my point across.
If you can argue with a stranger for 20 minutes about whether Harry Kane is better than Mo Salah, then asking a barrista how their days going is easy.

So my tip is simple: try and get into whatever sport is biggest in your country and then don’t be afraid to chat to people about it. The very worst thing that can come from this is you develop a new interest, not really a lot to lose ey?

  1. This especially works for fantasy football in the U.S., because on that topic people are familiar with almost ALL the top names, not just those on their favorite team.

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