My partner claims it happened today (but I don’t remember it happening before). I wasn’t that horny but I offered we have sex because he kind of was. I was a bit wet at the beginning but it went away later on. I noticed my partner slowed down so I asked if everything is okay and said he can go faster if he wants. Then he said I was too dry and it kind of hurt his penis.

He was nice about it, he didn’t blame me for not being wet, he understands I can’t control it. But it’s just weird. We did have sex when I was dry before and it didn’t bother him, so I’m kinda surprised it hurt him today.

  1. I mean it can hurt a lil but it’s not worth complaining about. I’d say it would hurt the female just as much/more, but what the heck does this male know.
    Get some lube

  2. Yes. Most definitely.

    Sometimes when my wife is really horny she will want me to penetrate her before she is adequately wet. And, it can hurt my penis. We had to kind of have a talk and let her know just because it feels good for her, not so much for me.

    Lube is most wonderful.

  3. Yes. I’ve literally ripped my frenulum that way. (Not horribly… But it did hurt and it did bleed a little)

  4. Lube is a lifesaver. So is drinking water. If you are dehydrated, then you can’t get wet or as wet.
    There is so many different types of lubes out there, water based, oil based, flavored, non flavor, warming, etc… Go to a Crystal’s, Romantix, Seductions, etc… and ask the staff there for their opinion. Or you can probably try Walgreens but if you want to be saved from embarrassment of potentionally running into someone you know, just go to one the above mentioned shops. You can also look on baddragon, albeit pricey but they got some good stuff on there too.

  5. Yes, definitely. It hurts, can even tear the skin on both parties. Use some lube or take your time getting ready .

  6. Lube and yeah he may be hurt but no physically more emotionally feeling he isn’t what you want. Been there before 15 years

  7. Use a lubricant. Coconut oil or water based lube. Drink plenty of water during the day and night before play. Lots of things can make us women dry and thr older you get sometimes it gets worse and in order to roll with it always have a lubricant handy. Besides coconut oil is safe and fun to play with!

  8. Yeah it does. My partners sometimes just use their spit to wet themselves if dry. It’s not usually something we discuss, he just does it and we continue on.

  9. Always!

    If it’s not looking like a slide at a water park?


    It should feel like masturbation level gliding for a guy when he’s thrusting in a vagina.

    If it doesn’t?

    Either she has a medical condition where she struggles to produce enough self lubricant…

    Or she wasn’t warmed up enough in foreplay!!!

    You’re doing it correctly if she begs for his dick due to how wet and turned on she is or she made orgasms from oral, fingering, or using both.

  10. Holy fuck, YES! Things can get injured. Lube. Lube for days. Anticipate the lube-pocalypse and stock up accordingly.

  11. Ever have your sibling or friend twist your arm skin back and forth? And you got a red “burn” mark from it?

    I’m assuming that’s what it feels like. I’d stock up on lube for those quickie days if I was you.

  12. Yeah. Like the guys have said. Just don’t feel bad, or take any blame. We are all made differently. My suggestion, and only a suggestion, explore kinks and fetishes and things. Not saying act on em, but the thoughts might help you in a way. My (wierd) thing, I usually go for hours, and rarely get off. I learned either to fantasize, get kinky, or just take satisfaction in getting whomever I am with off a few times. We are human, we are not perfect, but we can use other methods to meet our goals. We adapt to the situation.

  13. Yes. My boyfriend says it hurts when it’s not wet so he just goes back to foreplay.

  14. Am absolute possibility. And sometimes it is dry enough inside but not out or the opposite. Just keep some lube on the nightstand. It never hurts to have readily available.

  15. It can because of friction and friction is reason #158764 on the list of reasons why surprise anal is a bad idea.

  16. idk, why do you offer yourself for sex? have sex when you want it, your vagina knows what’s good for you.

  17. Clearly you aren’t working hard enough before hand..! Go down on her, tease her, please her until she’s dripping 😉

  18. What really hurt him, that you haven’t been honest.
    Most men can feel if you are into it or not.
    If you ‘sacrifice yourself’ to please him, it isn’t the same feeling as if you really want it…
    And that is what makes you stiff or dry and him soft or feeling hurt.

  19. Yeah it does happen. Sometimes it can happen due to hormone imbalance or time of your cycle.. girls hormones making guys think we ain’t turned on by them 😅 but yes it is normal for it too happen sometimes 😊

  20. Yes that’s called friction! We don’t want that! Lube it up! We got you! Stock up!

  21. Yea, it does, for me it’s also an ultimate turn off when this happens because I don’t feel like the woman is into me, I’ll actually just stop the sex and be sad instead

  22. My first ever fuck had this. She wasn’t lubed to start but got there. I came in her. We laid there talking for a while and I got hard again. I asked if she was up for round 2. She was and climbed up on me and away we went. She came quickly. I couldn’t cum again. After an hour or so, I felt a burning and we stopped. I got home to find two completely raw areas about dime sized on each side of my cock shaft. Took forever to heal. Coconut oil is great natural lube.

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