Recently I’ve discovered I really enjoy laying on my boyfriend’s lap and sucking on him (almost always after sex) when he’s relaxed/soft. It’s both comforting and arousing for me, and more often than not I’ll fall asleep with him in my mouth.

I’ve asked him if he thought it was weird, or how it felt.. he’s reassuring and says it feels good, but doesn’t elaborate more than that and I’m curious.

My question is- if you’ve experienced a similar sensation, was it a sexual feeling even though it didn’t end in orgasm? Does it feel boring/not sensitive? Thanks!

  1. Pot sex means it takes longer to get it up, and it feels incredible.

    When you’re fully hard, the nerves are spread out more. When you’re soft (but turned on) those nerves are basically smooshed together. You get a lot more bang for the buck if she’s having fun down there.

    After sex, no idea. If you aren’t turned on, I’m sure it’s a pleasant feeling just not particularly sexual. Touch is awesome, and having any kind of skin contact down there is simply “nice”. The comforting feeling is very likely mutual.

  2. Getting a more subdued kind of attention for a very long time is reeeeeeeeally nice. Sexual for sure, but more subdued. Subdued because the situation kind of hints at that no sexual escalation is expected of me, or even wanted.

    This is something you can do not just with your mouth, but also by having him neatly tucked in inside you. You should probably try that both before and after you’ve spent him so that he can no longer stay hard, to find out which one YOU get the most enjoyment out of.


    An erection is, strictly speaking, not a necessity to get a guy off. He can stil totally be stimulated to completion. The only thing is that right after blowing, he’s probably a bit…delicate. And will prefer a more gentle technique, which is something your mouth is really good at providing.

    But you can definitely, if you wish, show him that getting off can happen multiple times, and that being hard is not something that he needs to be for that to happen.

    > was it a sexual feeling even though it didn’t end in orgasm?

    Oh, it absolutely is. It absolutely is.

    They say that foreplay starts immediately after the last time, don’t they? If it’s not getting him off, it’s hinting at what the future has to offer.

    That said, you can totally surprise him now and then by deliberately getting him off like that.

    Or, if it fits within the boundaries of consent given, wake him up with your mouth sometime later when you realise that you are the only one of you two that is awake.

    > Does it feel boring/not sensitive?

    Definitely not boring. There is a mental aspect in this that is to die for.

    And probably not lack of sensitivity either. As I said, most guys are a bit…delicate after blowing and appreciate a gentler technique because of that.

  3. if your partner’s penis is somewhere soft and wet and warm in relation to your body it is going to feel really good. The afterglow of sex and orgasm makes further genital stimulation a dicy prospect, but if you’re gentle and he’s not overstimulated it probably feels marvelous and comforting regardless of whether he’s soft or erect.

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