I’m pretty sure it was Kurt Cobain that quoted this. I heard this today and it really inspired me.

I think that the one thing that most of us have in common in this sub, is that we want to be liked. We’re people pleasers, and this cripples me socially. So this is what I’m going to do about it. I’m becoming a film director for my life and I’m going to create this new bad ass character.

1, To be as authentic as possible, list all the qualities that you may hide from others. Loving, caring, funny, playful, serious, geeky, nerdy, passionate, emotional, compassionate etc. Come up with as much as possible. If you don’t know then make them up for now, you can change them at a later date.

2, View your life as one large movie, take the different scenes (Waking up, taking a shower, walking to work, driving the car, being with friends etc). Now take these qualities in step 1 and use them to create your character. How do they act, how do they feel, what do they wear, how do they smell, what are their needs, passions.

3, Lights, camera, ACTION!!

The great thing about this movie is you can edit the character at any time if it’s not working. Take notes from people you see in real live, movies, anywhere and incorporate them into your character.

Will it work? fuck knows I just made it up. But after playing around with it for a few days it’s already having great results.

Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys and girls. Make your lives extraordinary.

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