I used to tell my parents I was going out to see a band, but it was at a club that was 18+ when I was around 16. I often lied about my age to hang out with older kids.

I used to have the biggest crush on this guy who was a singer/songwriter in a band at this venue and he had the most amazing voice and I loved being next to him as he had this crazy energy. He also had a really great scent, there was something really spectacular about his scent that really drew me in.

Of course, I was 16 and I think he was 28 or 29. At the time, most people thought I was older as I was quite sophisticated as a teenager, I read philosophy a lot and hung out with all the college kids and spoke like an adult.

I was quite responsible and had a system where I would tell my parents exactly where I was and who I was with and what time I would be home and always was on time, so they trusted me, although they did not realise I was hanging out at an 18+ club with older kids lol.

I was crazy about the singer guy, but I’m fairly certain he thought I was too young for him.

What are some silly things you did when you were younger?

  1. I had zero supervision as a kid. Single mom who drank a lot and worked a lot, and spent most weekends out of town.

    So my apartment was the party place. I lived like 3 blocks away from my highschool, and I didn’t go very often and people would just kinda swing by my place through the day to come get high or come party after ditching class. It was a really dope apartment, it was the only unit with access to the roof so we used to just go hang out up on the roof all the time. My only rules as a kid were “don’t get arrested” and “be ready to move out when you’re 18” and I fulfilled those duties so it was all good lol. I skipped more than 80 days in Junior and Senior years and had to swap over to night school because I didn’t have enough credits to graduate, but the administration was just tired of me and fast-tracked me to graduation, so that was nice, I never really had to deal with any consequences for blowing off school. Well, except I still don’t know how to do things like algebra and when I help my 10 year old cousin with homework I’ve gotta google how to do it first lol.

    Mostly I just liked to play music back then, that’s one of the reasons I didn’t really go to school, I figured out around 14 when I started working I didn’t want to go to college or have a real job ever. Adults just seemed like they were all miserable and sucky, whether they were my 20-30 year old co-workers or teachers or friends parents, I wanted nothing to do with their world. As a teenager I was already booking venues for shows, renting equipment and lighting, booking all the bands, promoting and selling tickets. The main reason I went to school was to promote shows and put up flyers lol. I figured if as a teenager I could figure out how to put all that stuff together, life must be pretty easy, doing little highschool shows with bands nobody’s heard of for $5 – $7 a ticket, i was still taking a few hundred off the top of every show as profit.

    It was a pretty good run, just a blur of parties and chaos mostly. Went on a lot of road trips, did a lot of stupid dangerous stuff, but my friends and I really “got away” with a lot of our behavior because we never really did anything “bad”. Sure we drank and did drugs and partied all the time, but we never *really* got into trouble or fucked shit up. We always held people in our circle accountable, cleaned up whatever spaces we used, and took care of business like adults when shit had to be done. We were really into the whole Punk Rock DIY Ethos and community shit, so we had volunteered hundreds of hours doing things like cleaning up cemeteries, working with local businesses to get donations and clean up roadside areas and plant gardens at churches and stuff, and threw a whole bunch of charity / benefit shows and raised a lot of money for good causes.

    good times good times, thanks for sharing 🙂

  2. Burnt an enormous cock into the school playing fields with weed killer on our last day. Was visible on Google maps for 3 years after 👀

  3. My internet connection was really shitty… So I couldn’t play games at all without insane packet loss, issue I attributed to the local network being overpopulated. So my solution? Go to sleep at 6 PM, waking up at 2AM (the exact time took a while to find out) and gaming until 7AM or so. It took a while to get used to it I gotta say, but it worked.

    I was really insecure (still am but less) so I used to lie about things whenever I felt, like being vegan I would tell people I couldn’t digest meat, having to leave the party because I was bored I would say I was going to go to another friend’s.

    Among other things

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