When you’re feeling depressive thoughts, how do you turn them into positive thinking and motivation?

  1. I start listening to music and start thinking about things that won’t make me depressed. Actually was getting depressed earlier but got myself out.

  2. Recognizing whenyou are ruminating on a thought and interrupting it. Put a sticky note on a mirror with the words “what if everything turns out fine?” Small things that stop you from ruminating help

  3. Can’t do that. The depressive thoughts must keeps on until they go away. Can’t force that.

  4. 1. Try to challenge negative thoughts. Sometimes you find yourself ruminating on non-problems that you won’t even remember in a week.

    2. Be mindful of what thoughts and feelings come and go in your head through the day and try to observe them without judgement.

    3. Usually, if we let our mind wander we think about past mistakes or worries about the future. Humans are constantly reaching for what makes us feel something, good or bad, it doesn’t matter as long as we feel something. It can be a bad tendency. Try to shut these thoughts down and have simple thoughts only about the present.

    4. Try to focus on someone or something greater than yourself. Shift the focus from you. Depression is all about you and how you feel, break the cycle and do some volunteering, spend time with others, call your family.

    5. Look at your habits. Get the right amount of sleep. Get more exercise to get those sweet endorphins. (Easier said than done). Make sure that you are getting enough vitamin D and are eating well in general. What you put into your body really affects your mood. Some feel good hormones and chemicals are made for us by our gut bacteria, so drink kefir or live yoghurt on a regular basis.

  5. I dont suffer from depression. I suffer from bad low dopamine which I can fix with some exercise and getting -off-my-couch-and-stop-being-a-bitch.

  6. It’s difficult to force yourself to not feel a certain way. Maybe there are aspects of your life that you need to attend to? Or maybe you need to get some support for those depressive thoughts? Try to be kind to yourself. For a long time I tried to bully myself to be happy. It was less than successful. Meds and working on my behaviors have proven to be a more successful approach.

  7. What it this positive thinking and motivation you speak of? Neutral thinking and being able to slog through another day is about as good as it gets for the most part.

    I usual try to distract myself with music, reading, movies, etc. A massage or even a hot shower sometimes help a little. If I’ve been cooped up in the house, I try to get out and about for a bit (weather permitting, sometimes even when the weather sucks big time)

    Those beat yourself up depressive late night thoughts when I’m trying to sleep sometimes actually shut up when I verbally tell them to. I often wake up feeling mentally like shit with little motivation but I push through that and go through the morning routine (which involves popping my daily anti-depressant pill). Sadly, sometimes the morning coffee turns out to easily be the high point of my day.

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