Ive had guy friends in my life but i often lost them because they were just mean people. To be honest i didn’t have any guy friends in high school. I they have only had friendships with women because they reached out to me. I always thought they wanted to be friends but i think thats less of the case now. I have absolutely no idea about any of this until some resent issues. Im 18 with 3 sisters and 1 guy friend from elementary school. Anyways the only class i feel comfortable in is the one class with no male classmates in my senior or junior class….all the guys left last year because they were seniors. When i go out to try to make friends all of them are older and i dont know how to start conversations.
I make friends at work no problem but they are all never my age. Idk what to do.

TL/DR : I cant talk to men and im a man…

  1. The secret to talking to guys instead of girls is just some slight adjustments. Suppress your emotions about 20% until you are close friends, and be overly careful for anything that seems like you are coming on to them in any way. For guys, friendship is a bit dangerous because from an evolutionary point of view, you are letting in someone close who might murder you. So you got to keep things a little light for a while, talking about the universals. Love a game, hate a job, think a girl is hot, that kind of thing.

    Eventually you trust each other and can have conversations about emotions and stuff.

  2. I’m the opposite–female who has difficulty with women. I also have social anxiety. For me, it’s about doing things with women. I go backpacking, and finding other women with similar interests helps. The strongest friendship with a female that I have is someone I met in group therapy.

  3. I have this kind of problem too. I don’t know if it’s related to my sexuality but sometimes i just can’t see how i should interact with them

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