I’m seeing girl, after 5 dates she said she prefers slow pace and for know can offer her friendship and get to know each other. She said she had traumatic last relationships and prefers not to rush.

I like her a lot, afraid to get burnt and it’s easier to stop now before I get attached.

Does that mean she is not into me?
Should I move on?

  1. She’s not into you as you would like, no. It’s a difficult position to be in and I’d move on personally

  2. She likes you but she’s not overly into you unfortunately. You could try the friend route if you can keep from falling and have no expectations.

    Generally speaking people don’t won’t go lose something they see as valuable.

  3. Uh, yes, move on: see, you’re not inspiring her enough to overcome her “trauma”. If you think you’re confused now, just wait for when she starts dating some other guy that does inspire her to get over all those painful memories.

  4. Depends on if you’re willing to meet her where she is, or if you need her to be someplace else that she can’t be.

  5. From a woman perspective. Be her friend. Doesn’t mean you have to wait for her. There’s no commitment and you don’t want to limit yourself cause of her trauma but the best relationship starts with a lil friendship. A lot of people make the mistake that the best relationship is from immediate dating.

  6. It means she moves at a different pace then you.
    What you do really depends on if you are willing to move at her pace or not. If you are, you should still be ready for it to not workout, no garanti in dating.

    Or you could find somebody who moves at the same pace as you.

  7. When she meets someone she really likes it will be undeniable and she definitely wouldn’t say that.

  8. You should be dating people who are happy to get into a relationship after going on dates with you. This woman simply isn’t ready to be in a relationship yet and needs a lot of time.

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