I have absolutely no friends in life, all my friends have been taken by other people, my family whole family but me is close to each other, all my teachers don’t care about me I feel completely abandoned in this world. It is as if everyone is has an agenda against me. Sometimes I wish I could turn into someone else I know or restart my life on this planet. What should I do. I don’t want to hear bs about “it’s normal” because this isn’t a feeling. I literally have 0 friends who want to talk with me and my whole family is distant from me whilst they all are close to each other.

  1. Sounds like you are in deep hole, friend. You gotta have somebody help you out. If indeed the people who should be listening to you turn a blind eye, get professional guidance. Once you’re out of the hole, you’ll be able to look left and right again. But right now? This is about you.

  2. I want you to understand that this is normal. Its a normal human reaction to everything youve been through until this point. Your mind created these beliefs to help you survive as you were growing up. As an adult, you no longer need these beliefs. Why is it that you believe these things about yourself? Go back. Go way back. Challenge these beliefs. Are they actually true? These beliefs further solidify the life youre living. If you believe no one likes you, then thats precisely whats going to happen. The why will be most important to you. If you love yourself, you dont need anything from anyone else. Im sure the question comes up of “how can i love myself when no one else loves me? “Whats there to love about me?” Those will be some big questions for you. Theres a million things to love about you and no one else will appreciate these things in yourself if you dont appreciate them first.

  3. In a way, I know what you’re dealing with! I’m 41 F. Back in 2018 I had to walk away from a very toxic group of people I was very tightly knit with for years. It wasnt an easy decision but it had to be done. Then for 3 years I shut out the world and didn’t talk to ANYBODY! then in January 2022 I started getting out and getting involved in things, doing some volunteer work for Special Olympics and a local thrift store. Still no friends, but I’m still trying! I also enjoy writing, doing arts and crafts, and going to the gym 3 to 5 times a week.

    I literally grew up without the love and support of a family with adult responsibilities at 12 and my first place at 16 but managed to finish high school and MAKE IT. Im also on the spectrum and the only person I have to talk to at the moment is my therapist I see weekly. Every childhood friend I had is in prison and 2 of my former friends I mentioned are too! I’ve made so damn many trips down that rabbit hole I lost count! My advice is distract yourself. Do something you like to keep busy and focus all your time and energy on that. Easier said than done I know! Do what makes you happy and the rest will come! That’s one of my mantras!

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