My bf mentioned awhile ago that he wanted to try anal, I never really thought about trying it bc the thought of something going up my ass erks me, well 3 days ago we were sexting and he brought up about wanting to fuck my ass and I entertained it to make him more “excited” but wasn’t taking it much seriously. The next day, he came over and we had sex, I noticed he was lubricating my area a lot which I didn’t mind but he sticked a finger in my cheerio and I was shocked I grabbed his hand to make him stop, and he asked him if he could I nodded and told him he can try and then it went from there, he put his tip in and it was the most painful thing I’ve ever felt in a long time, I screamed and told him to go in slowly and gently, which what he did…he kept pushing his tip and added more lub continuously and it went in full after some time, I didn’t enjoy it at all it felt like I was going to shit so I kept telling him to stop and needed a break but he lowkey was insisting on keep going, he asked me to get on top so I could go with my rythme but that didn’t even last long and I told him clearly “I don’t think I can do it” and he got on top of me again, he tried to stick in my vagina but I told him he couldn’t do that bc it’s dangerous and he decided to fuck my ass, I wasn’t feeling anything then, I got used to it but it was still so weird and uncomfortable and when I told him to stop for a minute he grabbed me and told me to stop moving bc he was close and was going to cum. I was shaking so much after the deed and my back was so sore the next morning from being tensed up.

  1. “I kept telling him to stop and needed a break but he lowkey was insisting on keep going”

    Textbook sexual assault. Do with that information what you want, but that’s SA through and through and if he doesn’t know it you should tell him.

  2. He sexually assaulted you. He did things without your consent or did not listen when you told him no. That’s sexual assault.

  3. I’m so sorry to read this. This sucks that he did this to you. Would I be right if I asked that the other times he’s talked about it you said “no” until finally this last time you “gave in?” Not only is this assault but then it would also be abusive behavior. I think you should consider ending the relationship and seeking counseling.

  4. He assaulted you. Break up with him and be with a man who would rather cut off his dick than keep doing something to you when you said “no” or “stop”. A man who doesn’t enjoy hurting you. I promise they exist.

  5. So he had no idea to have anal sex properly or safely, and raped you. I’m sorry.

  6. So he coerced you into putting yourself into a position where he could sexually assault you. And he’s dumb enough to think he can go from ass to vag. Ghost him.

  7. He sounds inexperienced. And you were too stressed, and tense, at that time. He should have been more gentle and empathetic as to how you were feeling. If he knows this is your first time, or first time with him, he should have been placing priority on your relaxation, and comfort. There is no rush. I used to tell my girlfriends that I put them on a 3 weeks plan. We’d start with 1 finger during sex, and eventually be at 3 or 4 which then it would be time to try the head and some internal ejaculation. Giving a nice full body massage, eating a specific diet, clearing your bowels ahead of time, and having a really good time together, pacing yourselves, always worked best for me. He probably doesn’t have anyone to guide him and get him to approach anal with care, and patience. I would advise not letting this failed experiment with his amateur ways ruin it for you forever. I recommend talking to him about feeling rushed, tense, and that those things are a no go for anal. If he really wants that with you, and it CAN be really good, then he should learn how to take his time with you and let you ease your way into it over time. Good on you for trying though. It could have been pretty good if he just approached things differently. Hopefully he listens and becomes a gentleman with your ass. Otherwise, maybe you can save it for someone else, or for him once he matures a bit.

  8. If you said no and he kept trying to convince you and you agreed, it’s still SA. No doesn’t mean convince me.

    Anal isn’t comfortable at first. I have to relax completely, my entire body like I’m a lifeless doll. I prefer us on our sides where I can grab him and guide him in gradually and stop if it hurts. It can take 5-10 mins of easing in to get to the point of being in fully and able to go faster. Doing this slowly lubes the inside with each push and stretches slowly. If you stretch it too fast it’ll hurt. Not that I believe you’ll try again, but if you do, this might help. You definitely need a partner that respects you enough to stop when you’re in pain or uncomfortable. Sex is for two.

  9. this man does NOT care about you as a person. He sees you as a sex object and you need to get out of this situation immediately. He is dangerous and if he has done it once, he will do it again..

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