So the other time I made a previous post about how I get turned on during lap dances and sometimes even came on these guys unintentionally. And everybody adviced me I should say this to my LDR.

Last night I sent him a video of me dancing and he got really excited even turned on , but also told me felt a bit jealous as well. Then at some point he asked me if I do lap dances or if they touch me . Many other questions also like if I masturbate in front of them or if I get turned on during these dances, if I rub my butt on their genital area, etc. I was not always comfortable answering but I tried being honest in every question. Then he admitted he was feeling horny of the thought of another man touching my butt and me feeling comfortable.

I was afraid he was trying to test me or was angry with me but told me he is fine with me doing lap dances if I don’t have sex with them. Then he continued telling me that he also 4 years ago had been in strip clubs in another country many times . I dont know why but I felt weirded out when he asked me about these guys and dances and he was feeling turned on by this . I was not comfortable talking about this and the truth is I don’t really like most of the times these guys or even remember them afterwards and I prefer to just focus the conversation on him.

So concluding, from one side I liked he accepted so easily and even was excited and supportive, from the other hand I felt weird for him getting turned on of my descriptions and if other men touching me . Like I expected him to be more protective somehow. I dont know . How should I feel about this? He told me is an open minded person, but maybe he is just not taking me this seriously or just having his fun with me so doesn’t care ? I don’t know.. I wait your replies, thank you.

  1. Hi there!

    It’s great you have decided to be forthcoming about what you do to your partner.

    There is no rule as to how you should feel about it. What you can do is assess how his reaction made you feel and then determine if that is something you can accept if you intend to move things forward with him.

    Regarding his reaction, it could be that he has a particular *fetish* surrounding what you described. You also mentioned he told you he was *open-minded.* Perhaps he was trying to insinuate something there. This is something you would need to confirm with him.

    We could speculate all we want, but if you want to get to the bottom of it, it would be best to clarify that with him.

  2. It sounds like he may have a cuckold fetish or similar. This isnt uncommon. It’s up to you how to react to that. It sounds like it’s not your thing. Decide what you want to do with that knowledge. You two may be sexually incompatible. That is okay. Talk to him about it in a supportive way. Don’t shame him for his fetish.

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