Usually women get forehead kisses so what do men get that has them falling for someone

  1. Any random act of affection is enough to make me feel cherished and appreciated.

  2. I think holding both hands togehter and kissing them. But imo, a kiss on the forehead beats all.

  3. Kisses anywhere on the face

    Just kiss him multiple times in different spots and he’ll fold immediately

    No man survives the affection machinegun

  4. Grabbing your arm, holding them with both arms and putting her head on your shoulder/arm (depending on the height difference)

  5. Forehead kisses

    If I’m in the kitchen cooking, or prepping, coming up behind me, wrapping your arms around me and just sort of pressing against me, just to say you’re there without saying anything.

    A kiss on the tip of my nose as you giggle when walking away, since it’s making me smile

  6. Your head in our chest, and arms wound tight around our torso, no matter how pressed your bosoms are. You just want to hold us tight and in return, want us to make you feel, you are the only one we will ever hold onto.

  7. Hand on his chest.

    Bonus points for pulling at his shirt, lightly or strongly as needed.

  8. My wife used to sometimes grab one arm and wrap both of hers around it, then lean in and put her head on my arm or chest. Immediately made me feel loved

  9. I appreciate a good forehead kiss, as long as she’s not trying to use it as a substitute for something else and is offering the forehead kiss as itself in its own right.

    Same goes for a kiss on the cheek or any of the other forms of kiss that I can think of offhand.

  10. For me its brushing through my hair with your hands. Best thing, while I have positioned my head on your chest

  11. The belly hug. Man is sitting. Woman pulls his head into her belly. It’s very maternal, non-sexual. It feels amazing. Like returning to the source.

  12. I love to kiss his face. Just all over. My favorite spot is his temple because I can smell his skin and hair, and he always closes his eyes. Then, the fingers running through his hair. I can do this for a long as he will let me as it gives me pleasure and relaxes me too.

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