Angry (for not a good enough reason) with my husband but horny. Willing to overlook my boiling nonsensical anger. Somebody give me a word for my feelings pls.

Thanks for the laughs ppl. Issue resolved 😂

  1. Lol, having sex with my husband is literally the quickest way to make me forget that I’m upset with him. He knows it too.

  2. You’re feeling…

    Risky frisky

    Rage boner-y

    Hot and actually bothered

    Overheated (in both your loins and anger)

  3. I can’t think of one, but I’m sure the Germans have one. Flippinfuckinangerhumpin? Sounds vaguely German.

  4. My coworker accidentally typed ‘hornery’ to me once. I think that fits here. You’re ornery but horny. 😂

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