What’s something you think people SHOULD know, but know they don’t want to know?

  1. Gun safety.

    I get it, they’re political, they’re scary. But they exist and it’s better to know how to use one so you know how not to use one than it is to be ignorant and be a danger.

  2. 1: That no individual is, by default, a stereotype of a group.

    2: if you have a belief in something you will find justification to solidify that belief, it doesn’t mean that other beliefs are wrong.

  3. The odds that you, or some random YouTuber, has thought of or discovered some flaw in a widespread scientific or medical concept that no scientist or doctor has ever thought of before is so close to zero as to be laughable.

  4. Politics and business is the same thing.

    One is at least honest in its intentions…

  5. The people that call themselves “anti-racist” are the biggest racist in the country. If you don’t believe me, read books by some of their most successful thought leaders.

  6. That we don’t matter. We’re less than specks in history. Sure, that doesn’t mean we should waste our lives since we aren’t important at all in the grand scheme of things, but self- importance goes out the window when this reality sinks in.

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