For several months I’ve had this sinking feeling that everyone hates me. Logically they shouldn’t, but I’ve been taking situations where I interact with people and rationalizing that they hate me. I haven’t done anything to garner hate, but I know people have lied about things I’ve done in the past. Additionally I’m really socially awkward and can’t get social cues. So is feeling like everyone hates me normal or rational at all?

  1. You most likely just misinterpet neutral behaviour from other people as not being obviously friendly therefor they have to hate you. Basically you think the lack of things like compliments, lots of laughing, long convos must mean they dont like you, but they just neutral and neutral isn’t bad I would even say we feel neutral about 99% of all people we see a day.

    About the people lying, that happens. Sometimes people do stuff like that. But its a small group and it doesnt represent all of the people.

    And also, it’s fine not to be liked by everyone. There are types of people I dont like, I dont hate them and I speak respectfull with them. They are just personalities I dont vibe with and there are probably alot of people thinking the same way about me which is fine too. You cant be true friends with everyone.

  2. I don’t think it’s abnormal, not necessarily a healthy way to think but I promise you aren’t the only one. I have a very similar issue, and I just try and remember that like you said you’ve done nothing to get people to hate you. Even if they would, you know you’ve done nothing, so they’re not worth the energy. It can be really easy to think everyone’s watching you, but most people don’t pay attention to what you do. Even if you make a mistake (which we all do! it’s okay to slip up sometimes, we’re human) the chances of anyone remembering long term are very slim. Think about others and the way YOU look at them- do you hate anyone without a real, genuine reason? Do you watch them constantly and remember every time they said an unfunny joke or were awkward in a conversation? I’m guessing no, so chances are others don’t do that to you either. Like I said if they do, not worth you energy to even worry about! We’re *never* going to make everyone happy and there will always be people that don’t like us no matter what we do, so you might as well be yourself and try to not worry about it to the best of your ability. The right people will like you for who you are. As long as you aren’t intentionally being a jerk I’m sure not everyone hates you (:

    Hope this helps! Sorry if you weren’t looking for a response like that, but TDLR: not abnormal, although not necessarily rational either.

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