If you were a 45M and dating a 40F. Imagine going on a date once a week, having great conversations. Passion. Physical and mental chemistry. You’re constantly Sending cute texts back and forth. You find out you have to go on a work trip and you’ll be gone for a month. You spend a wonderful weekend together before your departure and you ask her to wait for you and not see/date anyone else. She tells you she will gladly wait for you. You leave and in the first week of your absence you FaceTime/text everyday. but by the 2nd week YOUR texts start to slow down. Communication on your part decreases. Now the communication is down to one text a day.

This is my situation, I’m the 40F, and I don’t know how to proceed further…should I keep initiating communication to show him I still care? Or should I match his energy and let him do whatever it is he is doing over there?

I’ve tried sending him cute texts and cute pictures, updating him on my day. And all I get is “I miss you” from him and then radio silence.

I want to show him he’s still on my mind, but I also don’t want to be a pick-me-girl 🥺


  1. he could just be busy to give him the benefit of the doubt, but it’s weird that he tells you not to talk to anyone else especially if y’all aren’t together. there is this thing that men do when they give a lot of attention in the beginning and then pull away to see how much attention you give back to them, blow up their phone etc. then he knows if he has you hooked or not. men are the same, age doesn’t matter. definitely match his energy back. and talk to other people girl. he’s not your man.

  2. You tell him what you want, which is probably for him to pick up the damn phone and call you…then you wait for him to follow directions and fulfill your request.

  3. Ask him: “What is your ideal amount of texting each other per day? I noticed we were texting a lot at first but it’s died down substantially. I prefer more communication.”

    If he doesn’t want to communicate often and that is your preference, move on.

  4. It appears that at least two weeks of the month away has passed. Personally, I would stop texting him first at this point. You’ll know how how he feels about you soon enough. Good luck!

  5. If he is lonely and hating the trip, the constant communication may just leave him longing to be home and be difficult.

    Or… he’s off fucking around and living up the business trip. Only you know his personality.

    That being said, don’t guess. Just ask about it.

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