So uh hello! I’m a female and a virgin and I’m just wanting to ask a question really quickly. I know that when you have sex for the first time your hymen tares. And I know it hurts. But how badly? This is one thing that really scares me as I assume it would be really painful. But like on a scale from 1-10 (1 being not bad 10 being excruciating) how bad is it? Be honest.

  1. It’s different for everyone. It was fine for me. It was uncomfortable at first. It wasn’t really enjoyable, but wasn’t horrible either. Just make sure you are relaxed and there is enough wetness/lube to avoid uncomfortable friction

  2. Oh no, please don’t be afraid! First of all, your hymen is not a physical barrier that needs to tear, it’s more of an open ring, than can stretch.
    For me, my first time was actually really enjoyable, even though the both of us did’nt really knew what we were doing. It may be uncomfortable, just because it’s a new feeling, like every new experience is a bit uncomfortable, you may be tense because of the anticipation, and MAYBE your hymen tears a little bit (foreplay and relaxation is key!), but just breathe, be in the moment, be comfortable enough to say ‘stop’ or ‘wait’ or ask for anything you need and enjoy it!
    For real, my first time was like a… 2? If anything at all…

  3. I had no pain at all. It just slipped in. In fact, I had a difficult time knowing if it was in or not. The hymen can be almost non-existent, and I had never had anyone even touch me down there, so, not everyone has pain.

  4. I was terrified of the same thing and literally just a did it for the first time 2 days ago and it still didn’t go as I had expected. Personally just because of the angle and tensing I was easily at a 8 or 9 but after talking to my partner quickly, we adjusted and made sure I was way more comfortable before moving which helped tremendously. I also haven’t bled from sex which I thought was a common thing so honestly as long as you truly relax, breathe, COMMUNICATE, and pay attention to your body, you’ll be okay.

  5. It varies from person to person. Personally, I didn’t have any pain, although I think I felt my hymen tearing. I felt it, but it wasn’t painful at all. I expected it to hurt, and I expected not to have an orgasm the first time either. I was wrong about both. It didn’t hurt, and I did orgasm. I think the most surprising part was that I needed a panty liner the next 3 days because of a bit of blood.

    If you stress, your muscles will tense. Your vagina is a muscle, so being stressed and tense will make sex painful. Wait until a time that you’re relaxed and craving it before you try it.

  6. I experienced absolutely no pain at all. I had already been masturbating for years, already owned and used a sex toy, was really turned on, and we used lube.

  7. Yeah it hurt a little. Nothing too bad that made me want to stop though.

    The second time there was a bit of pain but it went away fairly fast and third time there was no pain at all.

    It’s nothing much to worry about. Just get your partner to go slow, use lube, and if you want to stop its okay to ask him to stop or wait a moment before continuing

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