As it says in the title, I think it would be really sexy to watch my wife hook up with someone else. I’m not sure why. I’m not into being “dominated” or emasculated by any means. In fact I would expect it to happen very respectfully. But I think it would be really sexy to see her partake in that sort of “forbidden” pleasure, presuming she enjoyed it.

I would say both of our sex drives are low-average, and admittedly neither of us are great at communicating about sex. Nevertheless I would say we have a very healthy, loving relationship and an adequate sex life. I’m nervous because I don’t want to make things weird or damage our wonderful relationship by suggesting something so out there.

I guess my questions are…

1) do you think even suggesting that I might enjoy this would have a potential to alter the relationship? How should I approach it??

2) is this the sort of thing that ANY woman in a committed relationship would enjoy?

3) has anyone personally done this? Any warnings?

  1. My husband has watched me quite a few times, an I him with other women. If the two of you aren’t good at communicating then don’t do it, this kind of thing only works when both sides of the couple can easily, honestly and openly communicate with eachother.

  2. 1. well of course suggesting your secret fantasies will alter your relationship because u revealed something to her that u hadn’t before. how much your relationship changes depends on how you react to her response when u tell her your fantasy. one way u could start the conversation would be by showing her some porn that examplifies the kinda sex u want to share with her. then see how she reacts to it. then u could tell her that u would like to try something similar. listen to her reaction and if u feel that she has some willingness then start to plan the encounter.

  3. As said in other comments, improve your communication!

    If you can’t comfortably talk about sex and your desires you are not going to be able to jump straight into talking about hotwifing.

    There are other ways to try this without actually involving another person. You can try toys, they actually make sleeves that fit on your naughty bits that would give her a different feel and you can role play as a different guy.

    If you have a wonderful relationship then you need to start communicating your desires, if she loves you and wants to make you happy she should at least be willing to discuss them.

    Be prepared for her to not be into it, it may just not be her thing and that is okay. You can’t hold it against her either. Be prepared for her to be into things you may not be into either.

    The main thing here is COMMUNICATE!!!

  4. Lots of people do this. Sometimes it works out well, sometimes its an absolute disaster.

    Since there is the chance for disaster, I would seriously consider getting a LOT better at sexual communication and get into experimenting first.

    The two of you might find that you have little freaks hiding inside that neither of you are aware of.

    For context, my wife and I went from a dead bedroom to a wild sex life filled with experimentation and sex vacations where the two of us get away specifically just for some wild hotel sex. Communication and experimentation were the keys that unlocked our sex life.

    I am going to assume that part of you wants to try this because you get off on the thought of your wife having screaming orgasms, correct? There a lot of ways to get there just the two of you, if you are willing to experiment with an open mind.

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