Hi, idk I’m insecure about this for some reason. I feel like I moan way too much and make too much noise during sex. A guy I was with a few months ago told me it slightly annoyed him and ever since then I couldn’t get that comment out of my head. What do you think?

  1. I find it very hot. There’s nothing as hot as a vocal, expressive woman during sex.

  2. This is how I feel too. Sometimes I’m self conscious about it, sometimes I don’t give a fuck.

    Sometimes the dick is so good I can’t help but nearly scream. Men should take it as a compliment.

  3. You shouldn’t care what one man thinks. Do you imagine that we all share the exact same tastes? In cuisine, music, sex acts? What are you going when you have multiple men, I mean serially, and they disagree in their tastes? Your head will spin, right?

    [PS: have you ever *watched porn*? The reason for all the fake moaning by the women is that’s what men want to believe.]

    People during sex usually want to produce effects in their partners, especially involuntary effects. Make them wriggle. Put expressions on their faces. Awaken an animal inside them who wants to scratch and bite. I actually don’t want to be scratched and bitten, but I would be proud to make a partner so passionate as that. I sure want to be such a hot lover that the woman moans. I moan. I moan even when I’m just getting started.

  4. for me is a turn on, just hearing the moans can make me cum, because it means the other person is enjoying thats great

  5. Genuine moans are great. Excessive fake moaning (think porn moans/noises) are very annoying.

  6. Vocal gal here! Mix in dirty talk (if your comfortable)
    “Oh yeah *insert sexy pet name* I love when you fuck me like that”, “that feels so good”, “don’t stop!” My bf loves hearing me talk to him about how good he makes me feel and moaning is one way, but words are a fantastic way to vocalize how you’re feeling also!

  7. Context is a thing for me. If the sounds are happening in a place that there’s others near by that could hear and I haven’t sorted that out with them already (some of my roommates okay, parents or children not so much) thinking about those people being able to hear puts on the breaks for me. Outside of that I enjoy when my partners express their enjoyment.

    So it’s not so much the moaning but the volume+context that can be a thing for me.

  8. As long it’s legit.

    The wife is quite loud and i found it sexy…because it’s legitimate.

    Kinda funny…we have 3 boys now and she had to tame it down…cause that’s weird.

    She will say to me time to time i need some hotel sex to just let loose..

  9. My man loves when he makes me moan – and that’s a good thing, because I can’t control myself around him! He makes me feel so good, I just have to let it out. It turns him on so much and we feed off each others’ energy. I am sorry your boyfriend made you feel self conscious about that, he sounds like a jerk. You deserve someone who loves it when you are feeling good and expressing yourself – and that should be a turn on for them!

  10. Make whatever crazy ass noises you want during sex so long as you’re not being deceitful…….my wife couldn’t be more quiet and it sucks……😐

  11. Your body il so hot i’m sure he’s wrong don’t be shy to express yourself.👌

    By the way if you want for a real answear You should let us juge on


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