This spring break I have my son and I wanted to take him to universal studios. While my GFs family had planned their own vacation to go to Phoenix. We have been together for 2 years. My mother and grandmother wanted to come with me so we all went for about 3 days. My GFs family drove and stayed for the whole week.

During this time my GF has been responding to my texts but she is taking hours to do so. We cannot hold a conversation for anytime of the day because she’ll take 2 to 3 hours to respond to my messages. We have also been trying to make things work between us and I feel like she isn’t giving me anytime of day. I make the time and I’m not sure why she can’t do the same. It was also my birthday this week and I feel a little entitled like she should be talking to me. Now I understand being on vacation but even during the 10 hour drive which she isnt doing she can’t text me? And everytime I bring it up she gets all defensive saying that she is busy and doesn’t have the time which I just don’t believe because I make the time to respond. I mean I’m not expecting a text conversation back and forth every 5 minutes but something that can actually be considered a conversation would be nice. Am I wrong for being upset?

TLDR: My girlfriend and I took separate family vacations and she is not making anytime to communicate with me. Even at times that would seem like would be good opportunities for her. I’m getting frustrated and everytime I bring it up we fight.

  1. Could a phone call at the end of the day work instead? If she’s with her family she might want to spend time with them instead of checking her phone? Some vacations are nice because you don’t have to keep track of your phone.

  2. You are 27, but you’re acting like a jealous insecure 12 yo.

    She is on vacation with her family.
    Let her enjoy her vacation and live her life.

    She will answer you when she answers you.

  3. Take this vacation as a time to spend with your son. Forget about her attention for a little bit and think about whether she really adds anything to your life.

  4. I understand that it can be a little frustrating and you miss her…but I’m a firm believer of if they wanted to they will. Give her some space. Spend time with your son, let her spend time with her family. If she misses you she will make time for you. If she doesn’t then you will know what place you hold in her life.

  5. Dude she’s on vacation with her family. She’s having fun, not glued to her phone. Also, she’s 25 with no kids. If you need someone more “serious” try dating other single parents or women a few years older.

  6. Yeahhhhhh, if I were on a vacation with my family and knew my significant other was with his family, I wouldn’t be stressing over seeing/replying to texts instantly. I don’t know how your relationship is doing otherwise but you sound insecure right now. My suggestion is to ask her to make an effort to call you in the morning before she starts her day, and you call her at the end of the day.

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