When I speak to people, it never feels like they’re being genuine with me. It’s hard to explain, but talking to people just feels fake all the time. Even if they’re smiling or not. It just feels like people always have alterior motives when dealing with me. It’s hard to explain. I’ve felt like that for a long time now and wonder if it has anything to do with my inability to establish legitimate relationships with people. I just feel like I’m always being lied to or set up or something. From people at work, to neighbors, or the rare occasions when I speak to my family. I always get this vibe from people.

  1. Maybe you’re project the non genuine energy you give to yourself and or those around you.

  2. I know this feeling exactly! It’s a trait I developed from years of seemingly getting along with someone in person, only for them to leave me on read when I reach out to them. Did their words mean one thing when on the inside they had completely different thoughts about me?

    I read heavily into people’s tone, eyes, and other nonverbal cues to gauge their “true” intentions. After getting out more and meeting more people, I’ve become a little better at distinguishing whether someone is being fake vs when they’re tired or having a bad day.

    The thing that helps the most though is having multiple encounters with the person and observing how they talk with others. I start to establish what “normal” looks like for them and I can better tell if they’re acting unusually around me

  3. Firstly, almost everyone will make a space with other. That space is just enough to make them feel safe and to show their politeness toward the one who they are talking to. So they will tell lie more if the space if bigger.
    Secondly, how you think about the world reflects you. When you are bad, you think world s full of bad people. That s how people with the same nature can understand other better

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