leaving this here for the woman who cant seem to move on because theyre scared of the future or change. love you all!

  1. I didn’t have many toxic friendships but I have moved countries many times in my 20s and had to start again. It’s completely possible to make new friends, it can be difficult but there are Facebook groups and stuff that make it easier.

    Sometimes you feel more alone in toxic friendships than you do being completely on your own. You’re doing the right thing.

  2. Dawg women who roast you in front of others all the time but cannot handle a roast are horrible people behind the scenes in my experience

    I only wanna b friends w ppl w a sense of humour ab themselves

  3. Legit I have the best people in my life now. I learned about boundaries, had to say some tough goodbyes but man my life is beautiful now. And to be honest it didn’t take long for the right (for me) people to enter my life.

  4. A great relationship with myself has happened after leaving all the toxicity behind. Kinda lonely. Very peaceful.

  5. I’m happily single. Sure, I’m dating, but I’m not conforming to anyone’s wishlist or expectations. If they aren’t a fit, I drop and move on.

    I have a great new best friend that I met through a Meetup group. I have colleagues that have my back. Who needs toxic people? I work my dating in around my Meetups and friend time. Relationships are on the back burner right now.

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