I always just listen like it’s the first time I’m hearing it, I worry that I’ll come off as rude if I cut them off and let them know they told me that story before. Several times with some friends.

Today I was saying something to a coworker and he told me that yeah, I’ve told that before, he knows it by heart by now. I felt so embarrassed. The thing is I don’t know if it’s just a me-lacking-social-skills thing or if it’s actually okay to tell people that?

Your opinion would be greatly appreciated in calming down my anxiety over this, thanks!

  1. Usually I let them tell it again. Other times I will speak up and acknowledge I know the story and comment how good the story is. Sometimes I will say I recall the story but have them remind me of the story again.

    The most important thing is I try to avoid them feeling bad retelling.

  2. “Yeah I remember this story haha” is usually what I say. Has never gone bad.

  3. If it’s at the very beginning I say something like, “Oh yeah, I remember, that was a GREAT story…” and then I drop some detail of it. That usually heads them off into just providing an update or making a comment on it, instead of retelling the whole story.

    If it’s too far in then I just let the retell it, and enjoy the story again.

  4. While rehash, you might say “Your stylish presentation is far better than earlier! Thanks.”.

  5. Act like you’ve never heard it before and do all the surprised noises and looks at the right cues. If they’re telling you as if you’ve never heard it why not just pretend you’ve never heard it.

    It’s like a game to me.

  6. I’ll usually respond enthusiastically with “oh! Is this the time that…?” with some details about the story. Shows that you listen to what they’re saying and that you’re enthusiastic about what they want to talk about, and still gives them the opportunity to add more details/talk about what they want to talk about

  7. OMG!! I feel ya. There’s a person that tells me the same stories over and over and over!! I tell him straight up “you’ve told me that several times already”. Problem I have is he doesn’t care and just keeps right on talking!! But in general I think it’s appropriate to tell the story teller, because acting like it’s the first time your hearing it is dishonest and we shouldn’t have to be dishonest just to be polite.☺️💖

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